When people aspire to love their work, they may prioritize work at the expense of other important aspects of life such as family and friends.
Want To Raise Successful Kids? Here’s What You Have To Know.
Want to raise successful kids? Teach your kids how to be happy. Here are 6 ideas to get you started.
10 Best Personal Development Podcasts To Motivate And Inspire You
If you need a bit of motivation, inspiration or happiness in your life, subscribe to these 10 best personal development podcasts to motivate and inspire you
What You Didn’t Know About Practicing Kindness
What is practicing kindness and why does it matter? There’s solid research and science behind the practice of being kind that shows being kind to others can have positive impacts on your life.
5 Best FREE Positive Psychology Online Courses
Happier people live longer and are more successful. So, what are you waiting for? Take a look at the top free positive psychology online courses today!
5 Life Lessons They Should Teach At School
The science shows you can be both happy and have financial stability, achievement and success. So why are so many of us getting it wrong? Here are 5 life lessons they should teach at school.
30-Day Happiness Challenge
Follow our 30-day happiness challenge and rewire your brain to bring more happiness into your life.
Stress Reduction Lessons from Marie Kondo
Messy homes can make you stressed. Read these lessons from Marie Kondo on how to declutter your home and find joy.
3 Steps to Take Back Control of Your Emotions
Is COVID-19 making you stressed, anxious or lonely? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered, here are 3 steps to take back control of your emotions.
What is Happiness? (E1)
In our first episode, meet Marie and Pete and learn a little about what we mean by happiness and its history. Learn about why you too should be asking the question: what is happiness?