This week, Marie and Pete talk about how self-care has become a buzzword with bad repercussions and ask the question, are you doing it right?
Why Hobbies can Improve your Mental Health (E67)
This week, Marie and Pete talk about why hobbies can not only improve your mental health but they can also boost social skills and wellbeing.
Emotional First Aid (E65)
This week, Marie and Pete talk about recognising emotional trauma and how to apply emotional first aid to your psychological cuts and bruises.
Laughter is the Best Medicine (E64)
This week, Marie and Pete talk about why laughter is the best medicine and try out a laughter yoga exercise you can do at home.
Why we Need to Bring Back Touch (E53)
Are you lonely, sad, or anxious? If so, you might need more touch in your life. This week, Marie and Pete talk about why we need to bring back touch.
Can Swearing Make You Happier? (E51)
This week, Marie and Pete discuss the myths behind swear words and how swearing can make you happier. No, really, it can!
How to Have a Happy Covid Christmas (E47)
This week Marie and Pete discuss how to make the most of a socially isolated Christmas with great ideas for a Happy Holiday.
Getting in Touch with Your Feelings (E45)
This week, Marie and Pete discuss getting in touch with your feelings and why it’s so important that you express them.
How Job Insecurity Is Impacting Your Happiness (E44)
This week, Marie and Pete discuss why workers around the world no longer have job security, how that can impact happiness levels and what you can do about it.