Happiness for Cynics podcast
This week Marie and Pete discuss Toxic Positivity, what the latest research shows, and how you can retrain your brain for happiness.
Show notes
During the Podcast, Marie mentions research conducted in regard to toxic happiness expectations in the workplace: The Research We’ve Ignored About Happiness at Work by André Spicer and Carl Cederström. Published in Harvard Business Review.
Towards the end of the podcast Pete talks about two different ballet terms: Penché is a classical ballet term meaning “leaning.” Pirouette is a classical ballet term meaning “spin.”
[Happy intro music -background]
M: Welcome to happiness for cynics and thanks for joining us as we explore all the things I wish I’d known earlier in life but didn’t.
P: This podcast is about how to live the good life. Whether we’re talking about a new study or the latest news or eastern philosophy, our show is all about discovering what makes people happy.
M: So, if you’re like me and you want more out of life, listen in and more importantly, buy in because I guarantee if you do, the science of happiness can change your life.
P: Plus, sometimes we’re kind of funny.
[Intro music fadeout]
M: So today we’re talking about [sweet voice] toxic positivity.
P: Laugh. I love it that you say it that way.
M: Laugh.
P: This is actually for all of the cynics, you know, in our listeners. It’s for the people that are like ‘Oh my God, it’s so hard to be happy!’
M: Or the people who don’t love Clueless.
P: I missed that reference. It’s another movie I haven’t seen.
M: Oh my goodness!
P: I know, I know.
M: Or Legally blonde?
P: Oh, laugh. Bend and snap, hello?
M: Uh huh! Exactly.
P: Laugh!
M: I’m going to channel my inner Legally blonde and not be cynical for once I think on this one.
P: You should be on this one because this is a cynical perspective.
M: Laugh.
P: So do you feel the pressure to be positive?
M: Oh, absolutely. No one wants to hear your shit.
P: Laugh.
M: They don’t, people are so busy and dealing with so much of their own stuff that I feel that you have, If you’re lucky, one or two people that you can actually honestly really say ‘no, I’m not doing well today’ to.
P: Mmm.
M: And not feel the need to just say ‘yeah, I’m fine’ or ‘yeah, I’m good’, that kind of thing in general.
P: The other flip side of that, is that there’s a pressure on people [exuberant voice] ‘to be bouncy, and to be open, and to be fabulous!’ and that’s just really hard work. So for some people who are out there, that approach of being the positive person, doing the cue cards, doing the positive affirmations in the mirror every morning and Jigging yourself up and going ‘Yeah, bam, bam, bam, I’m ready to go.’ Some people just don’t do that and it doesn’t work.
M: Well it does. If you do it right.
P: Mmm.
M: And it is not. It is not the be all and end all.
P: No.
M: And there was so much work that goes on behind it. So, I think where a lot of people are going wrong with positive affirmations and positivity is that they think that’s all you need to do to be happy, –
P: Definitely not.
M: – and it’s definitely.
P: [Singing voice] The science says no, laugh. So if we’re going to talk science, we’re going to talk about a study done in 2010, by Senay, Albarracín & Noguchi from the University of Illinois and South Misspissisi.
M: Misspissisi? Mississippi, [spelling] Miss-iss-ipp-i.
P: Laugh, Mississippi sorry. This talks about what needs to go on behind that positive psychology.
M: Yes.
P: And the cue cards and the positive affirmations, that is what they call a blanket approach. And for some of us that works, for some of us who are in reasonably good mental health, that approach works because you’re jigging yourself up and you’re reinforcing to yourself ‘I’m a good person; I am going to be this person today; I’m going to be a good money saver today.’
But for some of us, that doesn’t work because it isn’t coming from an authentic place and if positive affirmations are just reinforced by externalisation; So cue cards, doing, chanting or doing the mirror exercise. It’s not coming from a place of dedicated and deep-seated security, and therefore that actually creates more mental health issues than it solves.
M: So, I absolutely agree, because I’m playing the positive card here.
P & M: Laugh.
M: But I do, however, think that there is a whole school of thought proven scientifically researched about scanning your environment for positive things. And while I agree that you can’t lie to yourself.
P: Mmm.
M: You can’t say I’m a supermodel, I’m a supermodel, I’m a supermodel in the mirror every morning and deep down, know that you’re not and expect for you to live in this happy rose coloured glasses world.
P: Yep, no.
M: You can’t do that. However, we are programmed to look for the negative and to make sure that we notice the lion who might eat us over the pretty rainbow.
P: Yep.
M: And so, by focusing on looking out for the good things, we can recondition our minds to notice good things more. So gratitude journals, positive affirmations, all of those other things that help you to balance out what is a negative bias in our brains anyway can make you happier because you notice what you have. You become more grateful for what you do have. But again, I 100% agree with what you and then this res[earch], these researchers are saying, you can’t lie to yourself.
P: No, and I think that’s the essential argument. I agree with you wholeheartedly about what you’re saying in terms of the use of positive psychology tools and they do work. We know that they do work. We’ve talked about that at length.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: I guess what they’re talking about here is more specifically about using the concept of toxic positivity is the positivity peer pressure.
M: Yep.
P: You need to be doing this stuff to make yourself happy. But if you’re one of those people that were those positive affirmations doesn’t come from a true place. You’re actually going to do the reverse. You’re going to send yourself into a downward spiral, and it’s not gonna work.
M: Well, we had an episode a few months back on authenticity and it’s the disconnect that causes the problem right?
P: Yeah, exactly.
M: We’re seeing a lot of people in the LGBTIQ community have that disconnect, particularly as teenagers before they’ve come out.
P: Mmm.
M: And that is what causes so much pain and heartbreak and mental health issues as well, along with it.
P: Yep.
M: So absolutely, I agree with you there. The other thing that I find to be a cause of a lot of this not working is that the positive psychology movement, it’s a movement, and over the last 30 years, people have really embraced a lot of these concepts without having done masters and PhDs and full study into it and so –
P: I’m putting my hand up.
M: Laugh!
P: I’m a total embracer, I jumped in.
M: Yeah, And so what that means is for people who haven’t looked into it deeply; It’s a slogan on a T shirt or a banner on a website or a catchphrase from a celebrity and without understanding what’s behind it, it leads to the wrong behaviours.
P: Absolutely, you have to do the work.
M: And I think that is to blame.
P: You have to do the work people, we keep saying this, laugh.
M: But you’ve got to understand what the work is behind it. And so, I think we’ve got a whole lot of people who are putting a smile on their face without understanding why and who are trying to be bubbly because they want to be happy, but without putting in all the work behind that.
P: And they’re the people that we’re speaking to here, I mean, these are people that are risk of that positive peer pressure.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: It’s like ‘I have to be happy, I have to be happy, I have to put a smile on my face and just get on with life when really inside I’m dying.’
M: Yep.
P: And for those people it needs, you need to do a little bit more work. You need to do more investigation and what these researchers have come up with is that you need to be not in an inner war with your subconscious. If you’re doing the positivity and doing the exercises without understanding the real meaning behind it, what you’re training your mind to do, which is exactly what you’ve just clocked Marie, is your searching for the examples of all the times that you haven’t been bubbly.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: You haven’t been the supermodel, you haven’t been the athletics sports star.
M: You didn’t get the promotion.
P: You start training that negativity coming in.
M: You didn’t get a seat on the bus, all that stuff.
P: So how to get past that is to acknowledge and identify which thoughts are limiting and which ones are empowering and how to actually do that work to go back and find the reasons behind what is the incongruent factor, if you’re saying ‘I want to be a good money saver’ and you just keep spending money all the time, it’s understanding the reasons behind that.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: So with that idea in mind, it’s about going back and seeing what is the reason behind [the behaviour]. And what the researchers say here is ‘ask a better question.’
M: It all comes down to self-awareness, you’ve got to do the work to begin with.
P: It does.
M: Don’t you?
P: Yeah.
M: That’s again why journaling is so powerful. Because sometimes you just haven’t thought to think about stuff.
P: Mmm. You haven’t stopped, quieted the mind. And you’re not allowing those thoughts to drop in and go ‘hang on, what are you? You little red devil on my shoulder? Where’s the little white one? I want the white one.’
M: Mmm hmm. ‘Why do I always say yes to my boss when he asks me to work late? But other people go home on time, why do I do that?’ And then why do I end up burned out? You know, there’s plenty and plenty of examples for people for behaviour that they may not have reflected on.
P: Yeah, and a lot of it comes under self-limiting beliefs.
M: Yes.
P: So that’s where you come back to doing some belief, work and journaling and coordinating. That is a really good way of doing that work that we keep talking about. For those who haven’t done that, it is about self-beliefs being true for yourself.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: And finding the ability to achieve or to look at the thoughts that air perhaps blocks to you, achieving that goal or that desire, or that positive affirmation that you want to achieve.
M: Yep and I think once you’ve done the work to understand yourself …, and just because you understand something doesn’t mean it’s easy to fix.
P: Yeah.
M: Or going to, laugh.
P: Laugh.
M: But once you’ve done that, it all boils down to habits. And there’s a great book out at the moment called Atomic Habits, which really helps to break down how you can make these positive psychology interventions or happiness habits stick in your life because it is something that humans are really bad at doing.
P: Oh, interesting.
M: We’re really bad at starting exercise programs, diets, everything that you might want to do. If you don’t make it a habit and you don’t know how to make it a habit in your life, you’re likely to fail at it.
P: Absolutely, yeah. And the first, is it seven days or seven tries of it you have to get through to make it a habit?
M: A lot of the time, yes, but also just make it really easy. So you’re almost tripping yourself over it. Yeah, make it part of a routine and reward yourself at the end so you can’t have breakfast until you’ve done 10 sit ups. Super simple.
P: Yep.
M: Wake up in the morning you can’t have your coffee until you’ve done 10 sit ups. And a year later, you’re going to find that you’re doing 30 sit ups every morning and you’ve got abs, you know, like whatever it is.
P: That was my approach with yoga, actually, because I had a period where I didn’t do yoga. When I first came back to Sydney after London and I was finished dancing so I was like ‘Ha ha! I don’t need to do yoga anymore, I’m going to sleep in.
M: Laugh.
P: And then I was like I’m gonna jump back on the bandwagon and you know, this is tough, six am yoga, oof. And so I decided not to do a full practise. I was like I’ll just to 10 minutes.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: And sure enough, after about two weeks of doing 10 minutes that turned into 20 which turned into 30 and then you’re back on the horse.
M: Yep. And if you can trick your mind into getting the reward of your morning coffee or your breakfast or whatever it is that you can look forward to, just going to the gym isn’t motivation enough for most of us. It’s something you know you should do for a lot of us. Actually, I’m going to say most, there’s definitely gym junkies, and there’s people who love their exercise. But there’s a large proportion of the population who do exercise because they should.
P: Yeah true.
M: Or who just don’t exercise.
P: Yeah, I’ll give you that.
M: Right? And so finding ways to integrate it into your life in ways that aren’t going to scare you off.
P: Mmm.
M: That a quick and easy and that you get something at the end, which you enjoy. For instance, walking on the treadmill for 20 minutes and listen to your favourite podcast.
P & M: Laughter!
P: I’ve got this image of all these people on treadmills listening to the Happiness for Cynics podcast all laughing at precisely the same time.
M: Laugh.
P: That would be fun.
M: I love it. You know reward yourself with a TV show after you’ve done whatever it is you’re trying to do.
P: Oh yeah, I agree. One thing I do want to clock, or circle back to is that ability of the question asking. So, when we have these thoughts that pop into our heads of like ‘Oh, am I eating the cookie, don’t eat the cookie!’ That’s not the best way to approach. So, if you’re trying to not eat the cookie, it’s not the statement of the self-limiting belief of ‘don’t eat the cookie. Do not, do not, do not!’ Ask the question better. Why do you want the cookie?
M: Just eat the cookie!
P: Laugh!
M: And wash it down with a martini.
P: Laugh, yeah, yeah.
M: Laugh.
P: I’m bringing it back, laugh.
M: Darn it, we’re meant to be encouraging self-control aren’t we?
P: So going back to the question, why are we eating the cookie?
M: Because it tastes so good.
P: Yeah, well that’s part of it but why does it taste so good?
M: Sugar!
P: And why do you want sugar?
M: Because sugar tastes so good.
P: Aahh.
M: This is a very circular argument.
P: But there’s a better answer there. This is the exercise. Keep asking the question until you come up with the right answer.
M: Why, why, why?
P: That’s a path to actually doing the work that we keep talking about, which can highlight some of those self-limiting beliefs and then expose you to being able to look in the mirror and go, ‘today, I’m not going to eat the cookie’, and you believe it because you know what’s behind the… You know what the reasoning behind it is.
M: Okay…
P: Laugh.
M: I like cookies though.
P: Well, you’re allowed to have cookies, it’s okay. Laugh.
M: So, toxic positivity. I think the other part of this that we touched on briefly at the beginning is our fear that others just don’t want to hear about our problems.
P: Mmm.
M: And so we have to be positive, and I think that’s a real shame. And it’s something that society is slowly opening up to and changing. So, Brené Brown does a lot of talking about vulnerability and the power of vulnerability. And there’s been a big, shift in corporate leadership communications about being honest and authentic and being a bit vulnerable, and how that bonds people and the value of that, because we all see through corporate BS.
P: Yep.
M: Right, we know when the leader hasn’t written their email, the coms team wrote it for them.
P: He he.
M: We know when the speech writer wrote this speech for the prime minister or president or whoever, and they haven’t even looked at the notes, they’re just reading it off [the screen]. We know when it’s not them right, and so that creates a barrier between people, when there is that in-authenticity.
P: Definitely.
M: And by not ever sharing that we’re feeling down or low or just not great today, that’s creating that distance between people. By never being vulnerable with your co-workers and just saying ‘I had a shit night, like I didn’t sleep well, the kids were up all night.’
P: Yep.
M: Or, you know, ‘I get migraines and I had a migraine yesterday, and I just feel like crap today.’
P: Yep.
M: Without sharing those things or you know, bigger things that can be really hard without sharing those things, we’re creating weak teams at work and loose bonds with the people that we see day in, day out, and that’s a real shame.
P: It’s that ability to not feel the pressure to be 100% happy 100% of the time.
M: Absolutely.
P: And that isn’t sustainable. As much as being 100% negative all the time is not sustainable. Neither is being 100% happy. You’ve gotta have those ebbs and flows. You’ve gotta have those ups and downs. Some of us express those a little bit more emotionally than others.
M: Laugh. A little bit more openly than others.
P: Laugh. But that’s okay. And as you said, you can choose your people. You can choose you one or two people to go, ‘you know what? The cat died last night and I’m feeling crap.’
M: Yep.
P: So just leave me in my corner for today, I’ll bounce back tomorrow.
M: Or ‘I need a day.’
P: Yep.
M: ‘I need to cancel my meetings – or my clients or whatever it is – I just can’t cope with today.’
P: Yep.
M: And I think we need to be able to say that openly and have trust that we’ll get support if we say that to our colleagues and bosses.
P: That’s very true, yeah. And that comes from the leadership as well.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: And having permission.
M: And it comes from leaders who say to their teams ‘I’m taking the day and role modelling that as well.
P: Yeah. So the other thing that I think we need to talk about is the inner saboteur.
M: Ooh.
P: Your inner voice, laugh.
M: Oh, I hate my inner saboteur!
P: Laugh!
M: Fred.
P: Fred? You have a name? Ooh I like it.
M: Did you ever watch Drop Dead Fred.
P: No.
M: Oh…
P: Laugh.
M: You should.
P: Ok, laugh. Am I going to understand you better?
M: Fred was the invisible friend, laugh.
P: Oh, righto. So you’re “Fred” can be your worst enemy in terms of that toxic positivity, because he could be the one that’s actually pressuring you, to be happy all the time.
M: Mmm.
P: Put it out there, just take it off and come out and be Taylor Swift, laugh.
M: And I think there is always pressure to move on, to get through it, to suck it up.
P: Yep.
M: You know. Put your big girl panties on as well.
P: And that’s the inner voice coming out as well. That’s our self-judgement coming out and sometimes we need to let go of that and recognise when it’s… when we’re creating our own drama, when we’re creating, if you’re that creative mind or that imaginative state that could be a really negative space because you create issues and you create scenarios that have never occurred, and you start believing them. Your body starts registering them and your brain, starts making cases for them, and that could be really dangerous space to be.
So if you find yourself getting a little bit too self-judgmental, you need to shake yourself out of that habit on often that come down to physicality or going and just being distracted. We’ve talked about awe before, going for a bush walk and things like that or being in front the ocean. Take yourself out of the space where that inner saboteur has the power and try to enjoy the moment as it were, or enjoy a moment.
M: We also talked about being kind to others, but I don’t think we talk enough in our society without being kind to yourself. And compassionate with yourself.
P: And that is what the positive psychology movement is all about, isn’t it?
M: Yep.
P: There’s a lot of that research out there that says that that’s a good and beneficial thing to do.
M: And if you need to cry or you need to be in a shitty mood for an hour, a day, or a week or a year, because something that bad has happened, then you need to take the time and forgive yourself for needing the time.
P: Yep.
M: You don’t actually even need to forgive yourself. You just need to know that it’s okay to take however much time you need to move through the stages of grief or sadness or anger, or whatever it is that you need to do.
P: Definitely.
M: There’s one last study that I did want to mention, and it’s only just popped into my mind, so I’ll have to dig it out and pop it in the show notes later.
P & M: Laugh.
M: But there’s been some research done recently and, particularly in America, the push for service people to always provide service with a smile and the impact that that has on their lives outside of work.
P: Oh, yes! Oh, I like this one.
M: And pretty much if you expect your employees, for the eight hours a day that they come in and work at Walmart or Kmart or Target or wherever it is, to put a smile on their face for every single customer that work walks in the door and when they’re interacting with other workers in the store, then you are draining their emotional capital.
P: Absolutely.
M: Draining it.
P: Oh yeah.
M: And those people struggle to enjoy their lives outside of work. It actually makes them sadder.
P: Yep.
M: It impacts their mental health.
P: Oh I so believe in that that.
M: Yep.
P: And it comes out across as fake. I mean, you just come out of that experience going, ‘What was that? That was weird.’
M: Mmm hmm.
P: This poor person is probably having a terrible day. And yet they’ve got to go ‘thanks for shopping at Wal Mart’. I think that’s where it might be a little bit different culturally, Marie. You might have a better perspective on this Marie of Australia versus America. Do we have more permission to be less cheerful in Australia?
M: I think we have permission to be a bit more authentic. So we open with a smile. But it’s not over the top happy.
P: Yeah, right.
M: Yeah, either way, forcing employees for eight hours a day to be happy rather than neutral, in some instances, which is what most people tend to be. A lot of the time has negative impacts, so there’s definitely, I’m absolutely sure that there will be more research into that and looking at whether or not it’s even cruel and unusual punishment to expect people to do it, you know.
P: Definitely, oh gosh yeah. But there are ways around that. There are creative ways around that. It’s up to, again, team leaders and people in those responsible positions to shake it up and make the workplace little bit fun. I mean, one of my, one of my things I love to do at my workplace is I like pulling out a pirouette of a penché as you walk past someone in the corridor and Elisa, if you’re listening, we’ve done it before. We’ll be walking past each other in the clinic, and I’ll just grab her and twirl her and it just adds that little buoyancy hit for the day, and she’s probably going in and working with someone who’s really going through an emotional thing.
M: Mmm.
P: There’s a lot of stuff going on, every now and then everybody needs a lift.
M: Yep.
P: And if you can be that person, I encourage you. Do something crazy. Do something unexpected. Make everybody smile.
M: Have a little bit of fun or playfulness.
P: Oh, it’s so important. And if that makes you feel stupid in front of someone else, I say do it!
M: All right. On that note, we’ll wrap it up.
P: Do your penché’s people.
M & P: Laugh.
P: If you don’t know what that is, I’ll put it in the show notes. Laugh.
[Happy exit music – background]
M: Thanks for joining us today if you want to hear more please remember to subscribe and like this podcast and remember you can find us at www.marieskelton.com, where you can also send in questions or propose a topic.
P: And if you like our little show we would absolutely love for you to leave a comment or rating to help us out.
M: Until next time.
M & P: Choose happiness.
[Exit music fadeout]
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