Happiness for Cynics podcast
This week, Marie and Pete talk about why laughter is the best medicine and try out a laughter yoga exercise you can do at home.
[Happy intro music -background]
M: Welcome to happiness for cynics and thanks for joining us as we explore all the things I wish I’d known earlier in life but didn’t.
M: So, if you’re like me and you want more out of life, listen in and more importantly, buy in because I guarantee if you do, the science of happiness can change your life.
P: Plus, sometimes I think we’re kind of funny.
M: All right Pete, welcome back.
P: Hi!
M: Hi, so today we are talking about laughter!
P: Mmm, the joys of laughter, it’s fun! Laugh!
M: Just waiting for you to laugh, I’m like ‘he’ll laugh!’
P: There’s nothing better than a good belly laugh I say.
M: So true, where your cheeks hurt.
P: Yep.
M: Your belly hurts but you keep laughing.
P: Yep.
M: I’m just massaging my cheeks at the moment while talking to you, laugh!
P: Your zygomatic bones, laugh.
M: [Sigh] We’re going to hear a lot more about this as you continue your degree aren’t we?
P: Laugh! I’m going to get very specific and very technical about my anatomy.
M: And I’m gonna pay you out for it.
P: Yes, you will and you’re allowed to.
M: Alright. So, last week I did some education as well, and I intended a lunchtime webinar by the Centre for Optimism, they’re based out of the Melbourne.
P: Oh.
M: Victor Perton, who is ‘that Optimism Man’ runs the centre down there and they’re doing some fabulous stuff. So if you are an optimist already, and want to find your tribe.
P: Laugh.
M: Or maybe you want to be more optimistic, I highly recommend signing up and getting access to all of their resources, but also their lunchtime webinars and morning panel discussions and night-time workshops and all the other fab stuff that they run. So, I went to a talk with a panel of experts and it was about laughter, optimism, resilience and well-being. A real focus on laughter though.
P: OK.
M: And I am still buzzing!
P: Laughter!
M: Loved it, loved it and really, for me, it kind of reminded me that laughter is just so powerful.
P: It so is, yeah.
M: And I’ve even run a laughter workshops at Commonwealth Bank ages ago. So I’ve done laughter yoga workshops but I’d just for gotten.
P: Laugh. Well you can, I mean, the thing is that if you… Like anything, if you’re not flexing a muscle, it’s not, it’s not staying awake.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: Things atrophy if we don’t use them, and I really think that this comes down to a lot of the happiness work that we do. If you fall off the happiness bandwagon and those regular things that you’re involved in, you’ve got to get the momentum rolling again and often that’s the point where people choose that it’s all too hard.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: It’s too hard to be positive, it’s too hard to be optimistic. It is [hard], but once you get it going, it’s really easy to ride that curve. I had a similar situation a couple of weeks ago [with] my new position in my new job; where I, I had a huge day planned, I walked in it’s 7:30 in the morning and I’m not a morning person, everybody knows that.
M: Mmm hmm, laugh.
P: People having 8am massages! Really people, come on, get with! Laugh.
M & P: Laughter!
P: This is an evening activity! Laugh.
So, I sort of walked into work well, straight out the back, and then my boss came up to me about halfway through the day and went ‘hello, are you ok?’ and I went ‘yeah, I’m fine why? I’ve got things to do and places to be.’ And I’d forgotten that in the moment, it’s important to recognise people, be friendly, wake yourself up and use those tools of being positive and kind and all those lovely things that come with momentum. And once you start doing it; It’s like if you start the day that way, it carries throughout the day.
M: Absolutely.
P: I’m a big believer in that and that’s why the first things that you do when you get up out of bed should be something that’s actually really enjoyable or that makes you have a giggle. Put on an episode of Disney it first thing in the morning and see what it does to your mood swings for the day, laugh.
M: Well, I have something if you can’t watch a feature film before you leave the house –
P: Laugh!
M: – that might be a little bit more practical for people who are struggling to get more optimism, laugh.
P: [Singing] The hills are alive…
M & P: Laughter.
M: Or I’ve actually got quite a few friends who Monday morning, listen to our podcast and that’s their weekly reminder to prioritise happiness, which is lovely. Thank you guys.
P: Scares me a little bit when they say to me ‘keep going’ and I’m like ‘why!?’ Laugh.
M: The question is, are they laughing with us or at us?
P: Hopefully with us.
M & P: Laughter!
P: Right, so back to the point.
M: So, I’ve known for a while about the power of laughter to moost… moost your bood?
P: Moost your bood, I like that. Moost your Bood!
M: Boost your mood.
P: Laughter.
M: And it’s a no brainer, it is such a no brainer. You laugh, you feel good.
P: Yeah.
M: I don’t have to be a scientist to know that. But there is a science behind it, and it’s pretty definitive science.
- Firstly, it can increase your wellbeing.
- It helps to reduce stress.
One of the big ones for all you corporate people or you people starting your massage day at eight in the morning.
P: Laugh.
M: And going is stressed, one of the greatest ways to break that stress cycle is to have a good laugh.
P: Yep, I agree.
M: And the Mayo Clinic in the U. S. Has a huge range of research and riding on the positive effects of laughter and stress reduction.
- It decreases your heart rate and your blood pressure; and
- it can also relieve muscle tension.
P: Absolutely shaking, vibration.
M: Mmm hmm, and on that note, for those of you who know they should do more movement and exercise in their day. Did you know that a very big belly laugh is actually exercise?
P: Laugh! Ok, yeah alright I’ll give you that one.
M & P: Laugh.
M: Now, it might not be as good as a million other different exercises.
P: Laugh.
M: But it’s still exercise! Laugh. You could count that in your week.
P: Alright, Alright, like that could be 10 steps, laugh.
M: So [laughing] also has a range of other physical benefits, like:
- Helping to improve your immune system, which helps you to fight illness.
One of the people on the panel is Roz Ben-Moshe, who is a lecturer and researcher at La Trobe University in Melbourne. She actually wrote a book called ‘Laughing at Cancer, How to Heal with Love, Laughter and Mindfulness’.
P: Oh, I like that.
M: She discovered laughter when she was going through cancer treatment, and I’m not saying that you would replace modern science and medicine with laughter.
P: Mmm.
M: I’m saying, in addition to that.
P: It’s not about replacing; it’s about using with that.
M: Yep, it’s a complimentary technique that can help you get through not only the physical, but the mental part of dealing with cancer.
P: Sure, absolutely.
M: There’s real scientific study that shows that laughter can be so beneficial.
P: Fundamentally, laughter releases dopamine. It’s one of our happy drugs.
M: Mmm.
P: And that’s a big one for keeping the other neurotransmitters going as well. Dopamine, it’s a big precursor to so much other stuff. So fundamentally, at that neuro transmitter-chemical level laughter has a benefit.
M: So, [laughter] is:
- Releasing endorphins.
P: Mmm.
M: So that again, as we said, we know you’re happier when you’re laughing.
P: Mmm.
M: But you might not realise it also has long term impacts on your happiness. So not just the short term, in the moment, I’m laughing right now and therefor I’m happier.
P: Yep.
M: There’s also longer-term impacts to your happiness. The other piece here is if you laugh with people, then it strengthens bonds. It makes you closer and trust other people. So, in a corporate environment or a work environment, particularly for new teams that are just forming, introducing ways to laugh together as a team will bond your team a lot faster and create more trust between your team members.
P: Mmm, interesting.
M: And the teams that laugh together, trust more.
P: I like that idea.
M: Not just for crazy yogi’s, because we’re gonna talk about laughter yoga in a second.
P: Laugh.
M: So, going back to that idea, though of long term happiness. We’ve spoken before Pete about you’re happiness set point, it’s that point where you tend to come back to after good events and bad events. You just come back to this base level of happiness.
P: Mmm.
M: And some people are born a little bit happier and with higher set points. Some people are grumpier.
P: Laugh.
M: And they were born that way and they have a lower set point.
P: Laugh.
M: But laughter and deliberate, habitual laughter exercises has been shown to increase your set point. So, you’re not stuck with where you are right now.
P: Mmm, we can always contribute to our base level of happiness that’s for sure.
M: Yeah.
P: That’s what it comes down to a lot of interpretation and doing some of the mindfulness work that we’ve talked about out. Definitely, it’s a plus you know, you want your base point to be higher because we don’t want to negate the ebbs and flows as we talked about before, emotions and meant to take us down they’re meant to take us up, but we want that curve to be to be there and riding that wave. But we do want to come back to that point where there were slightly more than being just bland.
M: Yep.
P: Yep.
M: We’re only here for a short time. I want it to be a good time too.
P: Yeah, yeah, exactly.
M: Yeah. All right, are you up for it, Pete?
P: I’m always up for yoga. I’m rather impressed that you’re about to teach me yoga. I’m really intrigued by how this is gonna go.
M: So, I’m going to start by saying that laughter yoga is the new craze that has really gained steam over the past couple of decades. It’s not that new, actually.
P: Laugh.
M: And all it means is people meet and they come together to laugh together often in a park or an open space.
P: Ok.
M: That’s it. Simple.
P: Alright.
M: Doesn’t necessarily involve folding yourself into a variety of pretzel like poses.
P: But I can do that.
M & P: Laughter.
M: So, for all of you like my husband, who can barely tie his shoes.
P: Laugh!
M: You don’t need to worry about your flexibility in order to do laughter yoga. The yoga part here is more of a nod to the breathing side –
P: Oh ok.
M: – than the movement side. Having said that, you can take it in that direction and combine the two.
P: I’ve done a lot of that too, with movement therapy with happiness.
M: Yes.
P: That’s yes, incredibly powerful, actually and that can really shift emotions and psyches and in a really amazingly positive way.
M: Yes, so I would love to walk you through three exercises that I think people can take to their office, to their workplace.
P: Ok.
M: Remember, when you’re doing this, it’s worth reminding people about the actual benefits and the scientific benefits if you’re trying to get them to opt in.
P: Yep.
M: And secondly, if you are taking it to your work, it’s really important not to pressure anyone or force them to participate and make it an opt in because –
P: Laugh! I force people to exercise every day! I’m putting them on yoga mats and saying ‘do this!’ And then they forget them.
M: Laugh. They’re paying you to do that. They’re not necessarily paying you tell them to do laughter yoga in the office.
P: Laugh, true.
M: But it is, [laughter] is uncomfortable for some people to share with others, and they do feel self-conscious about their laughs and about letting go.
P: Mmm.
M: So, some people may be uncomfortable and would prefer not to participate. It’s just worth remembering that so you should do it within close proximity of them so that they see how much fun you’re having and want to opt in next time.
P & M: Laughter.
P: There we go, lead by example.
M: Now it’s also worth remembering in these exercises that often you need to start with fake laughter at the beginning –
P: This is where a lot of people find it difficult.
M: – and after a while, it becomes authentic.
P: It’s the fake laugh. It’s putting the laugh on, and I was going to come to that afterwards. It’s the fake it ‘til you make it concept, and it’s a hard space to do when you’re feeling crap.
M: Mmm.
P: And when people say, you know, you’ve got to laugh it off. It does actually work because you’ll start doing the fake laugh. Then all of a sudden a giggle will come.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: And that’s an amazingly empowering way of changing your situation.
M: Okay, So the first exercise we’re going to do is about starting your day right.
So, maybe could have used this on Wednesday.
P: Laugh.
So this is a quick 60 second exercise that you can add to your morning routine to start your day in a happy mood and set the tone for the rest of the day.
P: All right.
M: So, it’s a great starting place, this one for people who are a bit reluctant to be vulnerable in front of other people. You can do this by yourself in the shower or… I was going to say while brushing your teeth or eating breakfast but…
P: That might be a bit messy, laugh.
P & M: Laughter!
P: Avocado on toast spewed in front of the entire bus stop.
M: Laugh. No.
All right, so I’m just going to grab the clock on my phone and go to the stopwatch. And what we’re going to do is you grab your phone, we start the timer, and for the first 10 seconds, you laugh out loud. You don’t have to feel it, you just have to vocalise ‘Ha, ha, ha.’
P: Ok.
M: And then you do that a few times, it’ll roll from there.
P: Ok.
M: Think of a like an acting class with really bad acting.
P & M: Laughter!
M: So, it doesn’t have to be authentic.
P: Ok.
M: So once we’ve done 10 seconds of ha, ha, ha’s, we’re going to breathe deeply for the next 10 seconds, so that’s probably two deep breaths over 10 seconds. And then we’re going to do those two steps two more times, and that will be 60 seconds.
P: Ok.
M: So that’s it. That’s it. It’s that simple. All right, so we’re going to do it now, we’re going to start timing.
P: Audience participation, I love it!
M: Can you see my phone, Pete.
P: Yes, I can.
M: Okay. All right. Ready?
P: Yeah.
P & M: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…. (10 sec)
M: Take a big deep breath. (10 sec) And I do hope that everyone at home is following along. I really encourage you to.
P: Laugh.
M: Look at that smile on your face, Pete. All right, we’re up again.
P & M: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…. (10 sec)
M: Deep breaths. (10 sec) Last one.
P & M: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…. (10 sec)
M: Alright and deep breaths. (10 sec)
That was a bit quick those breaths and I probably wouldn’t do that normally, I don’t want you to hyperventilate.
P: Laugh.
M: But that is it. That is it. That is all the we’re talking about. And if you’re not laughing at us right now on this podcast, I don’t know what else I can do for you, I’m sorry.
P: Laughter! This’s part of the attraction of morning radio. I think a lot of people use morning talk show radio to try and have a bit of a giggle in their commute to work or first thing in the morning. It’s really important that people try and access their happiness in those first hours when you’re up, because it does set the tone for the day.
M: Mmm.
P: And who doesn’t love driving along and you hear someone say something really stupid and it makes you giggle in the car on your own and then you have that you have a better morning.
M: You do and honestly, my cheeks a kind of sore because I can’t get this silly grin on my face right now.
P & M: Laugh!
M: But that’s it. And if you do that every morning for, I think, what did we say recently? 21 days to make a habit.
P: Yep.
M: 60 seconds is all that takes, and it can really change your mindset and just put you in a great mood for the day.
P: Yeah, it is a bit of a trial, and you’ve got to get, you’ve got to be consistent with it. Like anything, it’s like exercise. You’ve got to be consistent to get the benefits. So if you feel stupid and ridiculous or feel like throwing a small, fluffy animal out the window because you’re feeling so stupid and that’s fine, keep going, keep trying because it will kick in.
M: Yes, absolutely. And again, it doesn’t have to be authentic to start with. Neither of us were laughing authentically to start with.
P: Nah.
M: There were giggles in there, definitely from both of us. And then we went a bit silly. And then we came back, and then we had a real laugh, and then we didn’t. But your body doesn’t know the difference and that’s –
P: Exactly! Yes, you’re tricking your body into the reaction.
M: Yes! All right. So, I’ll quickly go through the last two exercises that I want to leave you with.
So the second one is about bonding with friends and family.
So, as I mentioned before, one of the great things about laughter is sharing it with others. Episode eight we talked about how laughter is contagious.
P: Yes, we did.
M: So, laughing with other people makes it more intense and helps bring people closer together. So, it’s a great team building exercise. So, if you want to grab some colleagues or friends or your partner or the whole family and convince them to join in this short exercise, you will be creating stronger bonds with the people around you.
P: Mmm.
M: To start with you get everyone into a circle and you take a deep breath in and out. Repeat that a few times just to get everyone in a different mood and mind set and then moving around the circle, you’re going to join up with a person and then there’s three simple steps.
- You will either hold their hands or, if you’re in a more formal environment, shake their hand, so handshake
- and you’re going to keep doing that while looking them in the eye
- and laugh for 10 seconds.
P: Laugh!
M: That’s it. So once everyone has had 10 seconds of laughter with their partner, you find another partner and you repeat steps 1 to 3. You keep doing it until everyone has shared a laugh with everyone else in the group. The eye contact is a bit confronting for some people –
P: Yeah, very.
M: – but it’s really important for that bond.
P: Breaking through that uncomfortable silence and that sort of space of going ‘well, I need to be vulnerable here.’
M: Yes.
P: It’s an important part of it, because then you can let go, you can let go of it all.
M: Absolutely, so you’ll need someone to be the timekeeper, and you’ll need to keep everyone on track with instructions on when to move on. But once everyone’s done one round, you can get playful with it. So this is where it gets a bit more fun and exciting. So once it runs on a roll and they know what they’re doing, you can throw in a Santa round.
P: Laugh!
M: Everyone has to laugh like Santa. Or you could throw in a feeling or an emotion, so maybe cheeky laughing.
P: Okay, yep. Righto.
M: Or you could do an around the world round. German laughing, French laughing, Russian laughing.
P: Laugh!
M: Or simply throw in a good snort.
P: Yep, that always works.
M: Yes, so you can have a bit of a play with it and see where people go. And again, it’s kind of like an acting class. Some people really get into it, and that will carry the mood for a lot of people.
P: Laugh.
M: Others will be a bit more reluctant, but if they’re participating, they’re going to get the benefits anyway.
P: Yep.
M: And so the last one and I know we’re really short on time. So, I’ll fly through this last one.
This is about really letting go.
P: Ok.
M: There’s a little bit more movement in this one, so it’s a good exercise, either groups or individuals, so you could do this at work with your family or by yourself.
- So you start by smiling and slowly move into a giggle then a chuckle and then finish with a really big belly laugh.
- Even hold your belly and really get into that belly laugh so you’re slowly increasing the intensity and volume as you go.
- And once you’ve had a really loud big belly laugh for good 10 seconds or so, bring it back down, stage by stage to a smile, and to get a good benefit from that one.
- You should repeat it a few times, but you can also add movement.
So if you start crouched or small or seated, depending on your mobility as you get louder and get more volume and intensity to your laugh, you come up until your arms are up in the air.
P: Laugh.
M: Your head is tilted back, and you’re standing like a star fish.
P: Laugh.
M: You’re really opening up your body and being big in presence as well as laughter.
P: There’s also a thing about letting the vibration go into certain cavities of your body. So, if you can actually feel the laugh and this is where the visualisation comes into this. I’ve felt this before in classes where you feel visualisation, so you laugh from your toes and you let the laugh reflect your toes so little tiny laugh and you wiggle your toes and then you move it up into your calves and into your knees, and by the time you get to your chest or your belly, it’s big, it’s boisterous, it’s loud. It’s got some volume.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: It’s an acting thing that you do, a warm-up actually, but it is very [beneficial] that visualisation of small spaces and echoing and filling the space with the vibration of the sound is a really good way of doing that same exercise as well.
M: Well, absolutely. And you can take these really simple exercises and create a million different permutations.
P: Mmm.
M: And if these aren’t talking to you, then just Google it.
P: Yeah.
M: Love Google. There’s so much out there that you can learn. Now there is definitely the whole physical side with laughter yoga that this can go to, but it’s like yoga, there are so many different variations of it –
P: Yep, sure.
M: – that it can go in any type of direction. The point is to have a good laugh.
P: Nice. What a nice idea, who doesn’t want that?
M: Absolutely. And now that we’ve had a bit of a laugh, as well, hopefully everyone listening at home had a laugh with us.
P: Laugh.
M: Or at us, either way, laugh.
P: Doesn’t matter.
M: Either way, hopefully you are listening to this in the morning, and it’s going to make your day a little bit brighter.
P: Laugh. On that note, enjoy your day folks and have a good laugh.
M: Bye.
P: Chow.
[Happy exit music – background]
M: Thanks for joining us today if you want to hear more please remember to subscribe and like this podcast and remember you can find us at www.marieskelton.com, where you can also send in questions or propose a topic.
P: And if you like our little show we would absolutely love for you to leave a comment or rating to help us out.
M: Until next time.
M & P: Choose happiness.
[Exit music fadeout]
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