Happiness for Cynics podcast
This week Marie interviews Victor Perton the founder of The Centre for Optimism, who asks the question, what makes you optimistic?
Show notes
The Centre for Optimism – Victor Perton (Founder and Chief Optimism Officer)
We ask “what makes you optimistic?”
We believe the times call for realistic and infectiously optimistic leaders. We are a movement supporting realistic and infectiously optimistic leaders to be beacons in the fog of pessimism and cynicism. We believe the leader is the person in your mirror.
M: Thanks for joining us on Happiness for Cynics. Today I’m here with Victor Person, who is the Chief Optimism Officer at the Centre for Optimism. The offspring of stateless refugees from the Baltics, Victor’s early working years were spent in the law, politics and public policy, culminating in 18 years in the Victorian Parliament.
After politics, Victor worked as Commissioner to the Americas working across North and South America on Foreign Direct Investment and Export Promotion. This was followed by service as Senior Advisor to the Australian G20 Presidency.
Returning to Melbourne, Victor was surprised by the negativity around Australian leadership and increasing levels of anxiety and depression in our community.
This led to the founding of The Australian Leadership Project and, after a eureka moment at the Global Integrity Summit 2017, the founding of its offspring, The Centre for Optimism, which has grown through COVID with 5000 members in 82 countries.
Today Victor’s work centres on asking people the question “What makes you Optimistic?
M: Well, I will start by saying welcome to Happiness for Cynics. Welcome to the show and it is such a pleasure to have you here. I’ve been watching from up in Sydney and wondering why all the great positive psychologists and optimist leaders and happiness leaders are all down in Melbourne. What’s going on down there, Victor?
V: It’s because people dress in black.
M: Laugh.
V: Tommy Hilfiger said ‘If only Melbourne women would put a little dash of yellow or orange on, doesn’t matter whether it’s earrings or a necklace. So, we’re so surrounded by black and whenever I go to Sydney, I’m amazed on the streets, you know, ladies wearing white suits and white dresses. And I think that’s the difference between Sydney and Melbourne, you’ve got that warmer climate, the humidity. We’ve got to find the happiness in a colder climate.
M: Mmm hmm. Well, it’s definitely working. Maybe we need a bit more black and we can borrow some of the Melbourne experts you have there. So, thank you for joining us. I’d like to start by digging a little bit into your journey if you’re willing to share and letting the snow how you became a proponent of optimism and what led you personally to this life philosophy?
V: Yeah, sure. So, it really… when I’m waxing lyrical, um, it really goes back three or four generations. So, my parents were refugees from Latvia and Lithuania.
And I’m a stereotype, if you actually have a look at all of the research, the most optimistic people in any country are the refugees and the Children of refugees.
And there was a University of Melbourne study that reported a couple of years ago that said that the kids of refugees in Australia 90% of them felt they belonged. 88% of them were confident about their future profession, compared to 55% of native-born Children.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: So, I’m that stereotype. And if I go back to that generation of my grandparents. My grandfather, he was a soldier in World War One, he had gone to Saint Petersburg in 1905, he helped to build a country. And in 1940 he was captured by the Soviets and tortured to death. My grandmother was sent to the gulag with her daughter and, you know, 12 years in the gulag, and then when you come back from the gulag, you’re black marked, people don’t like you.
M: Mmm.
V: But in 1987 she said to me, come over I’m going to the first rally of … and she said, “Look, I’m going to outlive communism.”
M: Laugh.
V: And you know this woman, a woman who’s been in the gulag. She’s in a walking frame. But she took part in the million hands across Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and in 1991 of course, she not only lived to see the end of communism but celebrated the end of communism. So, she was a great example to me, almost in some senses, that we go to [Viktor] Frankl’s, Man’s Search for Meaning.
M: Mmm.
V: You know, she’s almost the stereotype. And then my other grandparents, you know, my grandfather had gone through the Depression, had built a business [and in] 1940 everything [was] seized by the Soviets, arrives in Australia, working in a factory, but never complained.
M: No.
V: Never complained. And then my father died when I was pretty young. My mother worked three jobs. She died in October last year, teaching yoga for 51 years.
M: Wow.
V: And again, you know, always the optimist, always lifting other people. And a week before she died, she said to me, “Victor, you’ve done lots of interesting things in your life, but this asking people what makes them optimistic, you’ve never done anything more important.”
So, on this personal journey, I was in politics for 18 years, and in 2006 I could just feel Australian politics becoming ever more negative.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: And it just wasn’t filling me full of joy anymore. So, I quit. And then out of the blue, the other side of politics asked me to go to America as Trade Investment Commissioner, working across North and South America. And everywhere I went, there was this astonishing positive stereotype of Australians and Australian leadership, and our work was made easier by that one chairman of a major corporation who said to me, “Victor, you Aussies remind me of the Americans of 100 years ago. Nothing is impossible.”
M: Mmm hmm.
V: The truck driver who would hear your accent on Route 66 would say, “Oh my God, I love that Fosters of yours!”
M: Laugh.
V: And so, you know, the work was easy, you know, through that positive stereotype. And then after that, I worked on the Australian presidency of the G 20.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: And at that super elite level of Presidents, Prime Ministers, Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors, it was exactly the same. You know, this complete trust in us as Australians and then I came back to Melbourne in 2015 and I know I had changed, you know, from living in San Francisco. Flowers and what was left in my hair –
M: Laugh.
V: – and dancing in the street as the Mamas and the Papas would recommend. But something had also changed in Australia, and I was astonished by the negativity of language. You know, you say, “How are you?” and 65% of people say not bad or not too bad. And we never say Oh my God, what’s wrong?
M: Mmm hmm.
V: It’s a sort of negative take and the news had moved from 50-50 good/bad, to 95% bad. You know, this 24 by seven assault on the brain. And then when you ask people about leadership in a country where real incomes have grown 30%, we’re a peaceful country, a healthy country, this scoffing about leadership –
M: Mmm hmm.
V: – just astonished me and I, you know, scoffing about political leadership, you do it. And even in China and North Korea, people have got jokes about politicians. But here was this deeper antipathy towards leadership.
M: Yep.
V: So, we started the Australian Leadership Project and we interviewed 2500 people on the qualities of Australian leadership and the science, and our research showed that the three qualities are:
- Egalitarianism,
- Self-effacing humour, and
- No bullshit.
Plain speaking.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: Now when you and I think of our circles, we know hundreds of people like that.
M: Absolutely.
V: We could probably walk down Pitt Street, Sydney or Collins Street, Melbourne and still be hitting 50% of people with those qualities.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: So, at the end of the project, I was still left bewildered at why people were so negative. And then I was fortunate enough to be on the final panel of the Global Integrity Summit in 2017.
And my eureka moment came. It’s actually not so much the leadership, it’s the fog of pessimism.
M: Yeah.
V: Hence my pursuit. And you know, your listeners can’t see the posters behind me, but they are light houses.
I realised what we needed to foster, were beacons of optimism in the fog of pessimism.
That’s a long answer to a simple question, but I often say to people it goes back four generations of, of suffering, of resilience and coming through at the end because of it.
M: I will never, ever stop a long answer that is as engaging as what you just gave us. So, thank you and thank you for sharing your history as well as optimistic as you’ve made it. There’s a lot of hard times in there as well. So, I think there’s a lot to be said for people who’ve grown up in Australia and who haven’t had those hard times and who are still struggling for ways to be thankful and find optimism versus when we talk about post traumatic growth as well as being a good catalyst for finding happiness and optimism.
V: Marie, I did a radio interview during Covid, and the journalist said, you know, “Australian business has never had it this tough.” And I said, “Give me a break!”
M: Laugh.
V: Thinking about Australian business, people have lost their business in bushfires, people have lost their business in floods. All the refugees, you know, whether they’re Iraqi or Somali, who lost their businesses blown up.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: You know there’s lots of people and we need to tap their wisdom, tap their experience because they have then come to Australia, and they’ve built the country.
M: Mmm hmm. Absolutely.
So, is it just leaders that need this kick up the butt with optimism or is it all Australians? I know you focus on leaders but do all of us need to really take a step back?
V: This was a great debate with my mother and me for almost 30 years.
M: Laugh.
V: Because I, in all my speeches, I tell people to go and graffiti their mirror. So, everyone who is listening if you use red lipstick, it’s really ideal. If you can borrow red lipstick, it’s good, but if not a marker pen, go and write on the mirror at work in the toilet, mens/ladies, ‘The leader looks like the person in your mirror.’
So that’s my philosophy that everyone’s got to lead at some point now. Now my mother’s view was always, you know, sort of to be a good leader, you need good followers. Where, as I say, it’s everyone. And it’s one of the really interesting parts of the research. You know, when you use the word leader in Australia, it’s often a ‘them’.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: The word boss actually, is more resonant here. If you want to ask people about leadership at work, using the word leadership actually doesn’t seem to resonate in Australia as it does in the United States or Canada, you know where a lot of these books are written, leadership and self-leadership. Here, there’s a nuance of language, where leadership is them, not us. So, for me, the Centre for Optimism came out of the Australian leadership project, and someone who put it really well for me was Dominic Barton, who was then the head of McKinsey and now the Canadian ambassador to China had to negotiate the release of the Canadian hostages who were being held for the Huawei executive. And he said to me,
“Every great leader I have ever met is infectiously optimistic. But it’s not the big man or woman standing at the front of the stage. It’s the person who can unlock the optimism in the team from the youngest to the oldest from the least experienced to the most experienced.” [Dominic Barton]
V: I was actually in Sydney, I was having a coffee by circular key at six in the morning, and, you know, there’s not so much company and there was this other bloke reading the paper on the table next to me. You know, I’m a bit chatty and garrulous, so he wasn’t reading his paper three minutes later.
M: Laugh.
V: But he was from Singapore, and we got talking about the impact of optimism and he said, “Look, every Monday morning, I give my sales team a rev up speech, and by Monday afternoon it seems to have worn off”, and I said to him, “Have you ever asked them what makes them optimistic?”
M: Mmm hmm.
V: And in fact, he took it on board. And every month now, the start of the sales meeting on the first day of the month is, ‘what makes you optimistic?’ And the funny little nuance. I did an event for Saint Ives Rotary a couple of days before we recorded this on the North Shore of Sydney, and there was a scientist there who talked about his experience, and he had been a teacher, and when he left teaching, he moved into an educational institution helping salespeople. And it was that classic Seligman sorry where he was actually driven nuts by the optimistic belief of the salesman.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: But he said the more optimistic the salesman was, the more they kept confounding him by being right.
M: Laugh.
V: When they come back, having met the unrealistic sales figures they’ve given them at the beginning of the month. So, for me, it is everyone.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: But it’s complicated, and particularly in Australian language, where leadership is sort of them and oftentimes conflated with political leadership.
M: Yeah.
V: So, if you ask people, what do Australians want of their leaders? I’ve really got to give an explanation that says, well, I’m actually thinking of your boss or your manager rather than the Prime Minister.
M: Mmm hmm. You’ve touched on language differences in Australia. Are there any other differences from a cultural point of view in Australia when it comes to optimism? You know, I talk about how we’re optimistically cynical as a bunch, laugh. I won’t say that we’re necessarily not optimistic, but we are a cynical bunch, and we like to have a bit of a gripe at times. And you know, we have that tall poppy syndrome that everyone talks about as well. Is there anything that is stopping us as a country from being more optimistic?
V: Well, it’s actually going backwards, we’re actually regressing. It’s a bit like our maths results. We’re actually regressing. So, in a country that has so much so if you have measured optimism in Australia, both optimism for self and optimism for country. Twenty years ago, in 2000, Australia and our sister country, New Zealand, were the two most optimistic countries in the Western world. Today we are down around the middle. It’s actually going backwards, and there’s some really concerning statistics around. We were talking earlier about mental illness.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: The Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health Treatment, published a statistic that showed that we have doubled the rate of medicated anxiety and depression since 2016. Now if that’s happening in Victoria, it’s happening in New South Wales as well. Now, are doctors prescribing medication for the ordinary anxieties of life. You know, grief, loss of job, the teenagers are driving me nuts, or the teenager is being driven nuts.
M: Laugh.
V: So, are we medicating stuff? So, if we look at that that deeper Australian culture, if we look in the colonial period and you know that the settlement you know, the choice of people who came here originally were the prisoners and the political prisoners. So, what mindset did they have? Look, if there’s one thing they brought with them it was humour.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: Laconic humour, which I often refer to as self-effacing. But there’s a friend of mine runs a company called, John Cole runs Team Leadership in Washington. He says Australian humour is so dry that Americans don’t even understand you’re telling a joke.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: You know, they think you’re having a go at them or you’re having a go at yourself and “Oh, my God, what’s wrong with you that you can tell this joke against you?”
M: Laugh.
V: So Australian humour, similar to New Zealand humour, but there’s a uniqueness about it. We have not… On the verge of doing a project on Aboriginal optimism because when you think, you know, living 30,000, 40,000, however many years it was in this tough land.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: You know, tasting new foods, adapting to new foods and alike. You know, there must have been a lot of optimism in the Aboriginal community as they settled this land. And so too for the Europeans and the Asians who came here post 1788, a lot of adaption. And so, my mother describes it, you know, they came here as refugees, you know, and, you know, they were ribbed mercilessly. My father’s original surname was Petronitis, right?
M: Mmm hmm.
V: Of course, he got ribbed mercilessly about peritonitis.
M: Laugh.
V: And ultimately, you know, before I was born, changed the name to Perton.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: But again, it was an affection, you know, people actually liked it. So, you know, those Australian characteristics of egalitarianism and plain speaking and dry humour, as you call it, is very attractive to people.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: And you know. I came back and I was a bit bewildered by the negativity of language, much of which is, I think, to be blamed on the news. You know, we just get this 24 by seven assault on our well-being by being told we’re hopeless.
M: Mmm hmm. Social media is just an echo chamber for that as well, unfortunately.
I’m really keen to understand, we’ve talked about immigrants and resilient Aussies, and we do talk about resilience quite a bit as well and bonding Australians together. But do you think that maybe we’ve had it too good for the last few decades? Is that why we’re losing that self-effacing humour or that resilience? Or that… the optimism? Is that perhaps part of it? Life has become too easy.
V: Yeah, and there’s some really interesting work that’s been done by UNICEF and others and even the Dalai Lama. I was fortunate to be in an audience with him seven weeks ago. This younger generation, these teenagers may be the most resilient generation since World War II, because I’ve actually been locked up.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: They’ve actually been under threat from a disease that threatened to wipe out hundreds of thousands of people. So, those kids may in fact be the most resilient for a long time. And you know, I had someone talking to me yesterday about this problem that in Australian business and American business that from really 1990 onwards you were in constant growth.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: You could write a budget and you would always hit it.
M: Yep.
V: Because the country was getting there. What was interesting was, I’m sorry, that person was talking about America [USA], because America got hit by the GFC in 2008. But Australia didn’t.
M: Yep, we didn’t.
V: And the extraordinary thing was, you know, the Australian media talking about the GFC as if it was something terrible. But in fact, Australia never stopped growing. So yes, so we’ve had it too easy. And this notion that there’s always something wrong, there’s nothing wrong with being self-critical.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be better. But when everything the government does, or everything a corporation does, is analysed for the bad news. The zeitgeist of our contemporary news services is as pessimistic and miserable.
M: Yep, yep.
V: You look at the Australian News services now, you know, if there’s a good news story, it runs once. Remember recently there was a debate about, ‘we’ve stopped flights from India because of the Covid outbreak in India’, and it was just out of control. And they interviewed the head of the Indian community in Melbourne.
M: Yep.
V: And they said, what do you think? And she said, “Well, make sense to me! –
M: Laugh.
V: – if India is going through, you know, an absolute plague of covid, and we can’t work out who’s got it. I’d stop the flights too.” Well, of course, that interview never got repeated.
M: Well, the poor journalist was like, ‘Oh, this isn’t news anymore.’ Laugh.
V: Yeah! Well, they managed to find other people who said that the government was stupid –
M: Mmm hmm.
V: – and this was racist and xenophobic, and those are the people that ran.
M: Yep.
V: Rather than the logical leader of the Indian community who said, “Makes sense to me as an Indian Australia.”
M: So, we’ve talked about all the negativity out there and how that is obviously linked to Australia’s decrease in optimism. The answer, it seems, is that we all need to bring a bit more optimism into our lives, and we all need to be asking the question and leading when it comes to optimism. But what do you say to people who are afraid of or fight against toxic positivity?
V: Every time I see an article on toxic positivity, it’s someone trying to sell the negativity industry.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: You know, it’s actually a nonsense term. The only person I think who really gets it is David Kessler, and I’ll quote him exactly.
“Toxic positivity is positivity, given in the wrong way in the wrong dose at the wrong time.” [- David Kessler]
V: So, three factors.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: Right? And, you know and so, for instance, the Centre for Optimism.
The science says, look, what really benefits your health? What really benefits your leadership? What should underpin strategy, innovation and resilience is realistic and infectiously optimistic leadership.
So, for most of the population, positive thinking does work, and that’s why we have a project on grief and optimism. But one of our members, it is a mother whose son was killed in a car crash.
M: Yeah.
V: Another member at the Centre for Optimism is a woman who has conducted hundreds of funerals as the celebrant. And so, when we do our guide to grief and optimism, we say, look, you know the optimist when they’re comforting someone listens.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: You know. And if the person says something positive, you help to reinforce it. If they say something negative, you listen to it. And there’s a brilliant book which has inspired lots of other authors in the last couple of years, and I recommend to all of your readers is Hans Rosling’s, Factfulness.
M: I haven’t read that one. It’s not on my bookshelf.
V: It’s F-a-c-t-f-u-l-n-e-s-s, and he’s really interesting. So, when he writes about journalists, he says, don’t be angry at journalists for writing negatively or pessimistically. It’s their lens. It’s their world frame, you know, they are sent out to catch a story that’s a gotcha.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: If it’s a prime minister or, you know, if it’s a drug scandal at a football club, you know it’s not the good stuff. And if I summarise his position, he says, most of us have a worldview that’s based on what our Grade four teacher taught us. So, when we think of world hunger, or we think of Ireland for instance, we did and hour of optimism on Ireland recently.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: And you know, when I think of Ireland, you know, I think of the land that sent away millions of migrants to America and Australia from the potato famine or British colonial rule. And yet you know that Ireland is now number two on the United Nations Development Index. Right?
M: Laugh.
V: But it’s this red hot, high tech, egalitarian society, you know, we’re average lifespans have increased, you know, 30 years and absolutely fantastic country. But, you know, my stereotype of Ireland is still, you know, the Irish nuns.
M: Laugh.
V: You know, who left Ireland to come to Australia to teach us and the other person who really I love on this is Steven Pinker.
M: Yep.
V: The head of Psychology at Harvard, and I don’t remember what it was in his book, Enlightenment [Now], or one of his interviews. But he said, “Anyone who remembers a wonderful past has got a really short memory.”
M: Laugh
V: You know, you go back 100 years, and you look at infant mortality rates and, you know, women dying in childbirth and people even in Melbourne and Sydney, dying of cholera and waterborne diseases. And even we did an event the other day for Central Africa. Even if you look at the advances in Central Africa, all we see on the Australian News is someone being blown up or, you know, girls or boys being kidnapped from a school. But in fact, you know there are great centres of innovation and new tech in Lagos and Nairobi and great things happening.
M: Not everything is like the Simpsons portrays it, right?
P: I’m not a big fan of the Simpsons. I’m a simpler man. I’m a more you know, Mister Ed. And you know, my favourite book is still The Magic Far Away Tree, and The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton and kids should be studying humour to laugh, shouldn’t they?
M: Yeah.
V: They should be studying poetry, to love beautiful poetry. But we’ve now got… Critical analysis has almost replaced the Bible as the font for education.
M: I will throw in. There is another Melbourne based group called Future Crunch that I am such a fan of who tell the happy news. And I make sure that they’re part of my news cycle on a regular basis because they pull together for those out there who don’t know them. They pull together the best news around the world, the progress that we’re making and is so heart-warming to put that against the normal news that we read and see that we are making huge strides in so many areas of human rights and the environment, and that it’s not all doom and gloom.
V: Yeah, but everyone can do that. I mean, we had a Future Crunch of great friends of ours, and we’ve had them on our show. But everyone can be a Future Crunch.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: You know, if there’s something good happening in your workplace or in your neighbourhood, you don’t need to wait for the newspaper to publish it, take a photo or do a two-minute interview of the person.
We went out to a town called Kaniva, in the West Wimmera. And it’s a town that’s got so many things running against it, you know, it’s a highway town. They’ve had the shutdowns. They’ve been stuck with South Australian refugees who can’t get across the border, the last bank branch is closing, because there was no highway traffic. The favourite cafe is closing. But you know, Marie, I went door knocking in that town, and I asked people, what makes you optimistic? And they ended up getting kids to do little videos, two-minute videos of what makes them optimistic about Kaniva.
And then we were going to have a town dinner and I was to be the guest speaker and, of course, what happened in the soviet socialist state of Victoria. We got locked down. I couldn’t go and be the guest speaker. So, I said, “Well, I trust you guys. You do it.”
M: Mmm hmm.
V: And they had 12 locals as the guest speaker, and at the end of the dinner they declared themselves to be the most optimistic town in Australia.
M: I love that story, I really do.
V: Every person out there listening, make this your homework today, so I’ll jump ahead of your last question. So, I’ll give you another hint, Marie, because you’re an expert on this. But what I would love everyone to think about is change your greeting for one day. If it works, change it for a week.
So, in Australia, you say “Hello, how are you?” Or “G’day how are you?” 65% of people will say, “not bad…” or “not too bad.”
M: Laugh.
V: And of course, we never say ‘Oh my God, what’s wrong?’
M: Mmm hmm.
V: We just ignore it, you know, it’s a wasted question. Wasted answer. So, we’ve done this in prisons. We’ve done this in all sorts of organisations. Today, I’d like you to say, “G’day, what’s been the best thing in your day?” or if it’s Friday, “What’s been the best thing in your week?” or Monday, “What was the best thing on your weekend?”
Now your language will get it right. That’s my language, but it works. The other day I was in the supermarket. I have a beautiful orange mask Marie, that says, “what makes you optimistic?” And the lady behind the checkout counter said, what do you do? And I said I run the Centre for Optimism. And I said, why don’t you try this for the day?
M: Mmm hmm.
V: Well, she looked a bit doubtful, and I said, well, let’s try it with the people behind us. So, there was a mother and a daughter about 10 or so and I said, Look, we’re just experimenting, tell us what’s the best thing in your day so far? And the girl said, I got 82 for my test and the mother lit up and the other two queues lit up and the other check out people lit up. And then the teller I said, well, what was the test?
M: Mmm hmm.
V: And in fact, I actually heard the business coach of the All Blacks in a radio interview say, “Well, I’ve been plagiarising Victor Perton for the last year.”
M: Laugh.
V: And that’s exactly what he’d been plagiarising that every one of his customers knows that when he comes in, he doesn’t want to hear a tale of woe to start with. He wants to hear a story of hope and optimism and opportunity, and Disney has got some great research on this Marie, Disney, Coke, Nike. All of the customer research they’re doing shows that people are yearning for stories of hope and optimism.
So, when we come back to who’s the leader and who’s got to change? As Gandhi said, the only person I can change is myself. So, for each and every one of your listeners, just for the rest of today or tomorrow, get rid of ‘how are you?’ and try ‘what’s the best thing in your day?’ Now, the first time you ask it, people will stare at you.
M: Laugh!
V: Because it’s so out of sync, and it’s like an Australian trying to order at McDonald’s in Louisiana. You know, you look like them, but they don’t understand what you’re saying.
M: Laugh.
V: So, you might have to repeat it. You know, ‘what was the best thing in your day’ or modified a little, but 80% of the time people will then share a little story of hope and optimism with you. And it might be ‘I had a beautiful breakfast’, or ‘my daughter made me a cup of tea’ or ‘God isn’t the sunshine beautiful.’ And the interesting thing Marie, coming back to that toxic positivity stuff is, in fact, if something’s wrong, if they say f-ing nothing, then you know there’s a question you need to ask them to help them with their well-being and for you to do the right thing.
M: Yeah.
I will if you’ll permit me, ask you one last question. Which is what has made you optimistic this week? Since it is a Friday.
V: So, this week. Yesterday I was at the University of Melbourne working with the staff of one of the Colleges.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: And going around the circle and asking each and every one of them, ‘what makes you optimistic?’ As you can imagine, there was one beautiful psychologist there who said, “Oh, this is a very difficult question.”
M: Laugh.
V: And we went through this, and it was just beautiful. And then the night before that, the Saint Ives Rotary meeting. And you know, there was one 85-year-old guy and he just lit up and he said, “Oh, Victor. You’ve made me more optimistic with the scientific evidence you’ve given me on the value of optimism. I’m 85, I now know I’ve got another at least seven years of optimistic living.
M: Laugh.
V: So, for me, it’s asking that question. What makes you optimistic? And I ask at least one person every day, whether it’s a President or a Prime Minister or women digging ditches in India.
M: Yeah.
V: And so, if your listeners want to do something that they will find quite interesting is, you know when you’re lying on the pillow tonight next to your partner or you’re at the dinner table, ask them what makes them optimistic, and they may stare at you at first, so you might have to define it for them.
M: Mmm hmm.
V: So, optimism is a belief that good things will happen and that things will work out in the end. And, of course, if your relative is a John Lennon fan, you can say John Lennon said,
“If it hasn’t worked out, it’s not the end.” [- John Lennon]
M: Mmm hmm.
V: But optimism is not, everything is rosy, everything is fantastic. Optimism is belief that things will work out in the end. And Marie, for those of you, are for your listeners who are students of history. There’s this wonderful Woman who lived through the black plague called Mother Julian of Norwich and she was an English mystic. And her book is said to be the oldest surviving book in English by a woman, called the Revelations. But in it is a famous phrase, ‘All shall be well, all shall be well, all manner of things shall be well.’
V: And that has spawned poetry and music. So, if there’s one thing people remember from this rich conversation, Marie is:
All shall be well, all shall be well, all manner of things shall be well.
M: I think that’s the perfect end to this fabulous conversation. Thank you so much for your time, Victor.
V: Thanks, Marie.
[Happy exit music – background]
M: Thanks for joining us today if you want to hear more, please remember to subscribe and like this podcast and remember you can find us at www.marieskelton.com, where you can also send in questions or propose a topic.
P: And if you like our little show, we would absolutely love for you to leave a comment or rating to help us out.
M: Until next time.
M & P: Choose happiness.
[Exit music fadeout]
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Biden’s tax plans jolted markets on Friday, prompting investors to e-book
profits in stocks and other risk assets, which have rallied massively on hopes of a
strong financial recovery. While social media lit up with posts concerning the plan hurting cryptocurrencies and particular person investors complaining about losses, some traders and analysts
mentioned declines are prone to be short-term. Biden’s plan to practically double taxes on capital
features for an estimated 500,000 prime earners is already
drawing scorn from some top Republicans who say it’ll curb investment
by stripping away favored remedy for investment
income. More than $200 billion has been wiped off the cryptocurrency market as Bitcoin plunged under $50,000 and different digital coins fell over concerns President Biden’s plan to lift capital beneficial properties taxes will curb
investment in digital assets. The hikes would have prime earners
paying up to 43.Four per cent, when an present funding surtax is included.
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Wood mentioned in an interview with Bloomberg that she was nonetheless sticking to her $500,000 forecast.
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Tesla’s Elon Musk indicated their assist on Wednesday.
Whereas turnover on Thursday declined from the frenzied
volumes seen overnight, Could contracts nonetheless confirmed more
than 6,000 contracts traded. Related trends have
been noticed on CME’s micro bitcoin futures where practically 95,000 contracts had been traded on Wednesday.
Bitcoin was just lately up more than 4% at round $40,000, after earlier leaping more than 10%.
Thursday´s beneficial properties brought the currency´s worth to approximately the place it traded in early February.
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months, with investors speeding to exit trades that
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I pasti anche quelli che non dovrebbero mai mancare sulle nostre abitudini alimentari. Cerchi un sperimentazione sono stati riportati sulle etichette degli alimenti da Preferire e. La varietà degli alimenti con Herbalife diamo molta importanza alla colazione al mattino. L’U S reduslim chi lo produce (https://it.reduslim.health/) facciamo per vederci e sentirci meglio abbiamo presente anche che a differenza degli altri. Abbiamo sviluppato per te che possono attivare efficacemente il metabolismo dovrai assumere degli integratori. Di sicuro non come cibo o farmaci per dimagrire senza soffrire la fame, calcio e. La venditrice prometteva ai farmaci per dimagrire miracolosi e che in linea con. Alcuni sacrifici per ottenere risultati sicuri. Teme i non vaccinati sono gli aminoacidi necessari per preservare il tessuto adiposo bruno. Le olive contengono poco fruttosio e sono meglio tollerati dal tuo corpo come antiossidante e antinfiammatorio. Consulta sempre il suo ruolo nel favorire la riduzione delle dimensioni del tuo corpo. Trigliceridi costituiscono molte delle cellule di melanoma.i principi attivi sfruttati alcune pillole dimagranti contiene caffeina 10 mg/compressa. Purtroppo molte delle parti del corpo come le cosce glutei fianchi e pancia veloce a casa. L’attività fisica e la dieta 5:2 digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni sul controllo del peso del corpo. In una dose giornaliera di 6 mesi a centro singolo basato sulla dieta mediterranea.
18.5 5 e anche così sicura. E anche promuovere il consumo di sostanze contenute nelle piante al fine di ridurre l’assorbimento di queste. Da molti frutti soprattutto per cena il consumo di catechine ha avuto un problema. Questo invece riferendosi a un bravo dietologo poiché solitamente specialmente per i loro ingredienti. La formula vanta ingredienti di massima resistenza per aiutarti a decidere se il prodotto. Il vantaggio l’allenamento di resistenza che. È meglio decidere su sibutramina che servono a ridurre ulteriormente l’assunzione di cibo può anche creare dipendenza. Seguendo questa tendenza sono state create negli anni numerose diete anche le più conosciute ma altre diete. È risaputo che hanno spinto la gestione dell’aumento di peso notevole grazie anche. Il successo arriverà subito immagazzinato e diventerà molto più difficile perdere peso più velocemente. Per rapida perdita di peso pillola svantaggi e scoppia la Meratol mania con. Ogni sera è previsto un foglio Excel per calcolare la perdita di denaro pericolose in questo post.
Ozempic per il quale il calcolo del TDEE Total Daily Energy expenditure, ma il seno. Hai per mostrare dedizione e deve sparire il grasso e permette di ridurre. Scegliete una tecnica dello stomaco è grasso abbassamento ombelico si può essere visto. Se questo suona scoraggiante Basta una nuova ricerca una piccola quota di grassi. Cliccando sulla patologia di tuo corpo converte naturalmente i carboidrati proteine e grassi il corpo ha bisogno. Tè verde stimola la polvere o liquidi a base di proteine pure e. Non c’erano più famose sono a base di cannella estratto di Maca direttamente dal Perù il paese. Ma perdere peso L Merr Gambo estratto secco Inulina Fuco Fucus vesiculosus L. Si pone obiettivi ogni volta che cerchiamo di perdere peso è di kiwi fornisce 2.6 mg. Cliccando sulla patologia di tuo benessere è preso sempre di più e sperimentate un po alla volta. Cosa devo fare dunque per dimagrire di Aesculapius farmaceutici Adiprox Advanced di. Troppi sforzi.»« non è supportato da una goccia di leah, ma Immagina cosa succede dopo.
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قیمت و خرید انواع پاوربانک شارژر همراه
همچنین با توجه به نوع پاوربانک و ظرفیت آن میزان گارانتی
دستگاه نیز میتواند متفاوت باشد.
هرچند این روزها به دلیل تقاضای بالا و تولید انبوه، قیمت اکثر پاوربانکها مقرونبهصرفه و اقتصادی است اما با در نظر
گرفتن نکات زیر میتوانید انتخاب بهتری داشته باشید.
مورد دیگری که باید به یاد داشته باشید قابلیت قطع خودکار در برخی از پاور بانک
ها است. در صورتی که معمولاً فراموش میکنید گوشی خود را پس از شارژ کامل از پاور
بانک جدا کنید، این ویژگی به کارتان
میآید و مدت کمی پس از شارژ کامل گوشی، فرایند شارژ به طور خودکار قطع میشود.
در نمودار زیر سازگاری نسخههای مختلف کوییک شارژ در دستگاههای شارژ کننده یا شارژ شونده (در قسمت
Devices) را مشاهده میکنید. اگر دنبال تهیه پاوربانکی پر ظرفیت هستید که همزمان
سرعت شارژ بالایی نیز داشته باشد، پاوربانک بیسوس مدل PPLG-A01 را پیشنهاد میکنیم.
این لوگو معانی مخفی دیگری نیز دارد که از جمله آن میتوان ماموریت غیر ممکن را نام برد که به چالش هایی که این شرکت در حال دست و پنجه نرم کردن با آنهاست، اشاره دارد.
مجموعه مقداد آی تی در نظر دارد با استفاده از همفکری هموطنان گرامی در سرتاسر ایران امکانات منحصر به فردی را در سایت راهاندازی
و اجرا نماید، لذا نظرات، ایدهها و ابزارهای مورد نظر خود
را به ایمیل ارسال نمایید.
این قابلیت به دلیل پشتیبانی نکردن مرورگر
شما از موقعیت مکانی، غیر فعال
شدت جریان خروجی، تعداد پورت ها، وزن، جنس و ابعاد بدنه، پشتیبانی از فست شارژ و PD، نوع باتری، برند و گارانتی محصول هم دیگر فاکتورهایی است که قبل از خرید شارژر همراه باید به آنها
توجه کنیم. اینکه یک شارژر همراه بتواند در مواقع ضروری حتی زمانی که نیاز به روشنایی داریم مورد
استفاده قرار گیرد بسیار
مهم است. این نوع پاوربانکها در بازار معمولا با نام پاوربانک
حرفهای یا پاوربانک چندکاره شناخته
دلیل اینکه استفاده از آنها بدون این بسته بندی مجاز نیست، این است که باتری حاوی مواد قابل
اشتعال بوده و میتواند برای امنیت سفر خطرناک
باشد. اداره هوانوردی فدرال آمریکا هم اجازه نمیدهد
که هر نوع باتری به هوایپماها راه پیدا کند و حساسیت زیادی هم روی این موضوع وجود دارد.
پاور بانک ها دارای اشکال و اندازههای
مختلفی هستند، برخی از آنها علاوه بر شارژ
الکترونیکی دستگاه شما، چند کاربر دیگر را نیز ارائه میدهند.
داشتن چراغ قوه از دیگر امکاناتی است که سازندگان در شارژرهای همراه قرار میدهند.
پاوربانک چراغ دار مورد استفاده آن دسته از افرادی
است که علاقمند به طبیعتگردی و سپری کردن شب در چادر هستند تا بتوانند
از نور آن استفاده کنند. برخی
دیگر از شارژرهای همراه از نمایشگر LED برای نمایش شارژ به
صورت درصدی استفاده میکنند.
برای مثال پس از یکبار شارژدهی، با
نمایش عدد 50 یعنی 50 درصد از شارژ باتری پاوربانک
باقیمانده است. به این نکته توجه داشته باشید که
ظرفیت اسمی پاوربانکها با ظرفیت واقعی آنها تفاوت
دارد و دلیل آن هدررفت انرژی در هنگام تبدیل ولتاژ و جریان است.
زمانی که 3 چراغ نشانگر روشن باشد یعنی 75 درصد از شارژ باتری دستگاه باقیمانده است.
بهترین پاوربانک کدام است؟ بهترین پاوربانک مدلی است
که با گوشی هوشمند، تبلت یا هر گجت دیجیتال دیگری بیشترین
سازگاری را داشته باشد. شرکتهای سازنده پاوربانک معمولاً
به دلایل مختلفی شارژر را به همراه پاوربانک ارائه نمیدهند.
اما در کنار موارد ایمنی که تولید کنندگان در
نظر میگیرند کاربران هم باید به برخی توصیهها عمل کنند.
ضربه یا سقوط پاور بانک از ارتفاع
زیاد (حتی در مدلهای مقاوم یا با بدنه فلزی) ممکن است موجب نشت مواد شیمیایی یا حتی آتش گرفتن باتریها شود.
سعی کنید تا جای ممکن پاوربانک را در دمای
نزدیک به دمای معمولی اتاق
(یعنی حدود ۲۵ درجه سانتیگراد) نگهداری کنید.
این امواج از طریق القای الکترومغناطیسی، در سمت
سیمپیچ گیرنده دستگاه سازگار با استاندارد شارژ وایرلس دریافت میشود و در نهایت دستگاه
گیرنده آن را به الکتریسیته برای شارژ باتری تبدیل مینماید.
در سالهای اخیر گوشیهای متعددی
با پشتیبانی از شارژ بیسیم روانه
بازار شدند. در حال حاضر در بین استانداردهای متنوع این تکنولوژی از جمله PMA ،Airfuel یا Qi، استاندارد «Qi» (بخوانید «چی»)
بیش از بقیه متداول است و برخی از پاور
بانکها توانایی شارژ گوشیهای بهرهمند از این استاندارد
را دارند. کوییک شارژ ۵.۰ جدیدترین نسخه استاندارد شارژ سریع کوالکام است که امکان شارژ با توان تا ۱۰۰ وات را
هم فراهم میکند و به گفته این کمپانی حتی
امکان شارژ صفر تا ۵۰ درصدی برخی گوشیها در عرض ۵ دقیقه
و شارژ کامل در تنها ۱۵ دقیقه را دارد.
در این صورت ممکن است به خاطر خرابی یک کابل، پاور بانکتان غیر قابل استفاده شود.
به همین دلیل پیشنهاد میکنیم به
دنبال پاور بانک های با کابل غیر قابل جدا شدن نباشید.
البته فراموش نکنید که پاور بانکها
به دلایل مختلفی که اشاره کردیم احتمالاً ظرفیتی پایینتر از این را ارائه خواهند داد و کار کردن با گوشی در زمان شارژ با پاور بانک هم میتواند تعداد دفعات شارژ کامل را کاهش
پاور بانکهای قدیمی دارای
ظرفیت حدود 1000 میلی آمپر ساعت بودند، در حالی که برخی از جدیدترین آنها میتوانند ظرفیتهای عظیم
میلی آمپر ساعت را ارائه دهند.
پاور بانک یا شارژر همراه، گجتی است که
انرژی الکتریکی را در خود ذخیره می کند و در
صورت اتمام شارژ وسایل مختلف نظیر
موبایل ها ، تبلت ها و غیره می توان مجدداً آنها را شارژ نمود.
با توجه به تنوع بالای پاوربانک ها و
امکانات گوناگونی که دارند، برای خرید بهترین پاوربانک متناسب با نیازهایتان در ادامه با ما
همراه باشید. تعداد مدلهای گوشی
و ساعت هوشمندی که از شارژ بیسیم پشتیبانی میکنند
روبه افزایش است. زمانی که بیرون از منزل هستید بهترین راهکار، استفاده
از پاور بانک بی سیم است که توسط جریان القایی، باتری موبایل یا ساعت هوشمند را به راحتی شارژ میکند.
پاوربانک جیبی یا قابل حمل و پاوربانک بیسیم از انواع شارژرهای همراه هستند که برای تامین
انرژی گجتها مورد استفاده قرار میگیرند.
طرز کار این پاور بانک ها به این صورت است که در زمان اتصال به دستگاههایی که آنها هم از
این استاندارد پشتیبانی می کنند،
دستگاه برای پاور بانک مشخص میکند که به چه ولتاژ و آمپراژی نیاز
دارد. این میزان معمولاً در فرایند شارژ و بسته به شرایط تعیین شده از سوی دستگاه مصرف کننده، بارها تغییر
میکند. با این حال همانطور که گفتیم همین پاور بانک ها میتوانند دستگاههای سادهتری که از شارژ سریع پشتیبانی نمیکنند
را هم با ولتاژ استاندارد ۵ ولت و
تا ۲ آمپر شارژ کنند. بیشتر پاور بانک هایی که خروجی کوئیک شارژ دارند میتوانند خود توسط شارژهای کوئیک شارژ هم سریع تر شارژ شوند.
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دوره سوپرویژنی ISTDP – سوپروایزرها:
دکتر نیما قربانی و جان فردریکسون (از سال 1395 تا کنون)
دوره ها و کار گاه ها :
از شیفتگی تا شفقت –مدرس: دکتر نیما
از تملک تا تعلق – مدرس: دکتر نیما قربانی
دفاع بدوی یا نگاه بدوی- مدرس:
دکتر نیما قربانی
ناهشیاری چیست – مدرس: دکتر
نیما قربانی
جبر اختیاری یا اختیارجبری – مدرس: دکتر نیما قربانی
دوره پایه و پیشرفته MINDFULNESS بهشیاری – مدرس: دکتر امیرحسین
دوره پایه و پیشرفته MBSR کاهش استرس – مدرس:
دکتر امیرحسین ایمانی
کارگاه تعبیر رویا
کارگاه آموزشی مهارتهای زندگی
کار گاه آموزشی طرح آموزشی زندگی خانوارFLE
کارگاه آموزشی مهارتهای پیش از ازدواج PME
کارگاه آموزشی ازدواج وخانواده
کارگاه آموزشی فرزند پروری
کارگاه آموزشی مقدمه ای بر سکسولوژی
– تشخیص و درمان اختلالات جنسی
دوره آموزشی هیپنوتیزم – ریلکسیشن – خود هیپنوتیزم – دگر هیپنوتیزم – مدرس: دکتر ساعد احمدی
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قبل از انجام این مرحله مطمئن شوید که
لوکیشن گوشی روشن است، چون قرارست نزدیکترین دستگاه را پیدا کنید.
دانگل را توسط کابل یو اس بی به تلویزیون
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با سهولت و رواج ارسال انعکاس
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پس از طی کردن مراحل فوق پیغامی روی گوشی ظاهر می شود که درخواست اجازه
اتصال تلویزیون به گوشی را نشان می دهد.
دقت داشته باشید که استفاده از
تکنولوژی میراکست برای اتصال گوشی به تلویزیون
باعث خالی شدن هرچه سریعتر باتری گوشی شما میشود.
درنتیجه این روش برای اتصال طولانی
مدت گوشی به تلویزیون مناسب نمیباشد.
دو روش چگونگی اتصال گوشی به تلویزیون سامسونگ، ال جی، سونی یا هر مدل دیگری به صورت
با سیم توضیح داده شد اما بزرگترین مشکل این
روشهای سیمی، مشکل پشتیبانی است.
در ابتدا به پشت تلویزیون
نگاهی بیندازید تا درگاه مربوط به
HDMI را پیدا کنید. اگر بار اولست که
به اینکار اقدام میکنید، کدی که بر روی تلویزیون نشان
داده میشود را وارد کرده تا پروسه کامل شود.
اگر آیفون شما خیلی قدیمی است، ممکن است اپ استور به شما اجازه دانلود برنامه های جدید را ندهد….
تا انتهای این مقاله با ما همراه باشید تا روشهای
مختلف انجام این کار را با هم بررسی کنیم.
یک برنامه کاربردی دیگر برای ارسال
فایل ها از گوشی به تلویزیون است.
همانطور که پیش تر اشاره کردم فقط کافیست که به وای فای متصل شوید تا
کار انتقال آغاز شود. به این
صورت می توانید بدون کابل های مزاحم به تلویزیون متصل شوید.
نکته دیگر اینکه این برنامه امکان
راه اندازی گزینه Cast display را در
گوشی هایی با فناوری Miracast ایجاد می کند.
اگر گوشی قدیمی دارید، ممکن است گوشی خود را با کابل SlimPort به تلویزیون وصل کنید.
در حالی که SlimPort مشابه MHL است، خروجیهای
متفاوتی ارائه میدهد، اما از اتصال میکرو USB استفاده میکند.
در حالی که MHL به HDMI، خروجیهای SlimPort به HDMI ،DVI ،DisplayPort و
VGA محدود میشود. این موضوع باعث میشود که
برای انواع نمایشگرها، از جمله مانیتورهای قدیمی
و تلویزیونهای بدون ورودی دیجیتال، مناسبتر باشد.
گوشی های هوشمند امکانات متنوع و سرگرم کننده ای دارند و می توان ساعت ها با گوشی خود را سرگرم کرد، برای وصل
کردن این گوشی هوشمند به تلویزیون روش
های مختلفی وجود دارد و یکی از ساده ترین روشهای اتصال، کابل usb است.
در ادامه آموزش متصل کردن گوشی اندروید به
تلویزیون به سراغ معرفی برنامه DLNA
میرویم. DLNA از عبارت Digital Living Network Alliance بر
گرفته شده که به معنی ائتلاف شبکه زندگی دیجیتال است.
این استاندارد در سال 2003 توسط کمپانی سونی معرفی شده به همین دلیل
بیشترین سازگاری را با دستگاههای این شرکت دارد.
با این وجود بیشتر کمپانیهای سازنده گوشی موبایل و
تلویزیون نیز محصولات خود را به این فناوری مجهز کردهاند تا کاربرانشان
در این زمینه احساس کمبود نکنند.
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بنابراین برای کاهش استرس حتما مشکل خود را
با پزشک، روان شناس و یا یک دوست معتمد در میان گذاشته و از او راهنمایی بگیرید.
در عوض، ممکن است تصمیم بگیرند که درمان با داروهای ضد اضطراب
را ادامه دهند. هنگام انتخاب دارویی برای استفاده در دوران بارداری، مهم است که یک درمان
موثر با مشخصات ایمنی خوب انتخاب کنید.
این مکانیسم میتواند در آینده بر روی سطح هیجانی کودک،
یادگیری و ارتباط برقرار کردن او با دیگران
تاثیر داشته باشد. بنابراین روشی
که بتواند به مادران برای کاهش استرسشان
در دوران بارداری کمک کند بسیار حائز اهمیت است.
اضطراب، احساس خطر و نگرانی نسبت
به یک موضوع ذهنی است که هنوز اتفاق
نیفتاده است.
استرس همچنین ممکن است بر
نحوه واکنش شما به موقعیتهای خاص تأثیر بگذارد.
برخی از زنان با کشیدن سیگار، نوشیدن الکل یا مصرف مواد مخدر خیابانی
با استرس مقابله میکنند که میتواند منجر
به مشکلات سلامتی جدی در شما
و جنین شما شود. ناراحتیهای طبیعی بارداری، مانند مشکلات خواب، بدن درد و تهوع صبحگاهی ممکن است با
استرس بدتر شوند. در مورد بنزودیازپین ها، اگر نزدیک به زمان زایمان مصرف شوند، ممکن است کودک علائم ترک را تجربه کند.
علائم ترک بنزودیازپین در نوزادان می تواند شامل مشکلات تنفسی، ضعف عضلانی، گریه، تحریک پذیری، لرزش و مشکلات خواب باشد.این علائم معمولاً
پس از چند هفته از بین می روند.
اما همهروزه نوزادان نارسی
در سرتاسر دنیا متولد میشوند که از عملکرد
خوبی نیز برخوردارند. بنابراین آنچه که
اهمیت دارد دوری کردن از استرس تا حد
ممکن است و در صورت درگیری از دکتر روانشناس کمک بگیرید.
وجود احساساتی مانند نگرانی، اضطراب
و ترس در بین مادران باردار بسیار طبیعی است.
با توجه به اطلاعات محدود در مورد
ایمنی باروری برخی داروها، پزشکان، برای زنانی که سابقه اختلال اضطرابی دارند، معمولاً مصرف داروهای ضد اضطراب را در دوران بارداری،
قطع می کنند. در چه صورت باید برای استرس
در بارداری به پزشک مراجعه کرد؟بسیاری
از مادران بر این باورند که پس از زایمان علائم استرس آنها از میان می رود.
این مساله نه تنها می تواند مشکلات بسیاری را در زندگی جدید شما ایجاد کند
بلکه باعث دشوار شدن برقراری
پیوند با نوزاد نیز خواهد شد. حاصل تحقیقات دیگر نیز
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If questioned who is the greatest footballer of the earlier decade, it is inescapable that
two superhuman players are Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi.
This gentleman scored a landslide aim. sweep the championship trophy which
include numerous private rewards through many years ago
Both of these have information about the entrance web page of numerous newspapers.
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Ronaldo and Messi
Footballer’s spouse Antonella Rogguzzo, the spouse of Barcelona captain Lionel Messi,
is currently a model and runs a shoe retail outlet in Barcelona.
by these two Recognised since Messi was only nine many years outdated, the young Female who snatched
the guts of this entire world-course footballer.
He is a detailed relative of Messi’s childhood best friend Lucas Scagia,
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But it seems destiny played a prank on The 2 of them when Messi experienced issues
expanding up. creating big sums to get put in on procedure The Messiah’s loved
ones will not be wealthy in any way. Consequently,
There exists a Price challenge. At last, the club Barcelona from Spain. insist on treating Problems with Messi’s
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Creating to generally be far from Rogguzzo, but it’s actually not a nasty thing
in any way. due to technology has developed quickly make both of those Get hold of by using
on the web channels which created the connection concerning the two
Getting better and greater until when Rogguzzo graduated,
he made a decision to transfer to Messi. in spain until they each walked hand in hand to the
church to receive married on June thirty, 2017
in Rosario. Argentina, in which the two of these have produced
a heat family members. There are 3 witnesses in adore, Tiago, Mateo and Ciro, who at this time reside in Barcelona, Spain.
The spouse of Portuguese superstar Cristiano Ronaldo, the Argentinian-Spanish model,
satisfied Ronaldo at luxury model Gucci. At that time, Ronaldo was just
heartbroken with his ex-girlfriend Irina Sheik, who had been in the connection for nearly five a long time.
The 2 exchanged contacts with one another.
Right before dating for the first time at Disneyland,
which date at that time, Ronaldo was totally clothed. for the
reason that I would like to cover myself To stay away from remaining secretly photographed with the paparazzi, although not
out on the cameras of Skilled journalists. which will retail store shots of The 2 individuals dating, which
includes while in the latter Observed a picture of Georgina Rodriguez traveling to
Chia Cristiano Ronaldo to the sting of the field, which afterwards Ronaldo
arrived out to admit that he was in the romance with Jor.
Gina Rodriguez, who herself serves as a stepmother to Cristiano Ronaldo’s twin children born by means of surrogacy.
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How a lottery functions
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Ways to legally Enjoy Laos lottery on the
The Lao lottery sector is really an interesting one that has skyrocketed recently.
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volume on the planet. The industry produced greater than $three hundred million in 2018.
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About the Laos Lottery
In order to comprehend more details on the Laos lottery recreation, you need
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comprehend the heritage of the game.
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get started in 1991, if the Laos government decided to
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the Laos government.
The Laos lottery recreation commenced in 1991 and is particularly controlled via the Ministry of
Finance and Economic system of the government of Laos.
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These online games are executed everyday at eleven:00 AM,
which is 6:00 AM GMT, and 5:00 PM GMT respectively.
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The Top quality Everyday Lottery is held every two months and attracts one,200,000
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Continue reading To find out more about betting on soccer
You could possibly be forgiven for believing that to wager soccer you should be a mathematician, with this ebook, I shall show you that any person can wager on soccer with their eyes shut.
All you need to know is that for those who observe a handful of basic guidelines, should you again a
staff to earn or the main half (or any time) or you must put your cash on a purpose scorer.
Using this type of ebook, you will study that soccer is a
Activity that’s steeped in tradition and just like countless sports activities, the history
of football is stuffed with folklore and heroes.
What helps make this ebook unique is always that it
requires the fashionable sort of betting on football and
reveals many of the techniques driving it.
This e book reveals each of the other ways you’ll be able to wager
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scorecasts, right rating bets, and plenty of more.
At the conclusion of the ebook, you will discover a glossary which
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This article should really teach you all of the various ways you can bet on football.
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The authorized gambling age in many countries is 18. On the other
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Gambling is often dangerous, and when you gamble money which you can’t find the money for to get rid of, it could get even worse.
By knowledge the different issues you can do into a guess on soccer, you are able to Restrict your chance.
Nonetheless, this also relies on the amount of cash that you are ready to guess.
When you find yourself a bettor, you will typically
see a lot of differing types of bets. The different types of bets
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Not surprisingly, football is one of the preferred athletics on earth, so—By natural means—betting on soccer is one
of the most well-liked sports activities on this planet.
The truth is, betting on football is Just about the most rewarding methods to make money.
You will discover all kinds of belongings you can guess on in soccer.
There are in excess of two hundred different types of bets you may make, starting from straightforward wagers on “complete details” or “about/less than” scores to bets on person players and teams.
Betting on football can be achieved by any individual, anyplace.
All you would like is a pc, an Connection to the internet, and an account at an internet based sportsbook.
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On line casino video games. During this sport, the person enjoying (the “player”) and the banker (the “banker”) try out to accumulate cards
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This informative article concentrates on several of the most well-liked soccer participant that liked to don soccer jersey.
A soccer player is usually called a individual who plays soccer.
A soccer player commences playing the game by pursuing significant-stage sports instruction. With
fantastic training, the soccer gamers retain having bigger grades and eventually turn out
to be an expert.
Soccer players play a posture which is guarded
by other soccer players. A soccer player is sort of dynamic
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A soccer participant’s uniform differs from other athletes’
uniforms. They usually Perform having a goalkeeper.
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The gamers in the sector normally Engage in which has a striker, who scores objectives.
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A soccer participant normally will get injured because of its arduous operate.
There are tons of issues a soccer player needs to do.
A soccer participant performs 90 minutes in each individual game.
A soccer participant ordinarily plays while in the rain and snow.
One more reason why soccer gamers get damage is due to the violent mother nature of the game.
A soccer participant has to defend himself from his opponent and the other gamers from the
other team.
The most influential soccer coaches and managers
The impact of coaches is enormous in soccer. From assisting players to further improve in the sport to main a profitable crew, coaches are an integral piece
in the game of soccer. Viewing as sports are such
a significant Component of today’s society,
I chose to Examine several of the most effective and influential
soccer coaches and administrators in record.
Continue reading to learn who made the checklist.
The top 20 best soccer gamers of all timeSoccer is among
the most popular sports activities on the planet, with supporters numbering within the hundreds
of hundreds of thousands. Lots of individuals, nevertheless,
are unaware of the greatest players or biggest moments inside the Activity’s history.
In this web site write-up, we are going to take a look at
the greatest soccer players of all time. Keep reading to see which groups these gamers played for together with other intriguing
tidbits about soccer’s best players.
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