Happiness for Cynics podcast
Join Marie this week as she interviews special guest speaker Dr Suzy Green, founder and CEO of The Positivity Institute.
Show notes
The Positivity Prescription – Dr Suzy Green
Dr Suzy Green’s “The Positivity Prescription” will help you to flourish. It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 80, if you’re not feeling like your “best possible self” then this book is your ready-made roadmap to a flourishing life – where positivity overrides negativity and well-being trumps depression.
“The Positivity Prescription” bridges the gap between science and practice by providing a structured, 6-week program that guides the reader to learn and apply proven positive psychology practices. The program can be done alone, with a buddy or in a group.
The book is presented in a user-friendly style and format that aims to provide motivation and coaching, practical tips and techniques, together with weekly challenges. Throughout the book, the reader is encouraged to take action and put their knowledge into practice. The book contains chapters on mood, motivation, might (character strengths), meaning, mindfulness and mindset.
Counter Clockwise – Ellen Langer
Counterclockwise describes ways to reorient our attitudes and language in order to achieve better health. Langer shows the ways in which belief in physical limits can be constraints and demonstrates how the desire for certainty in medical diagnosis and treatment often prevents fully exploiting the power of uncertainty.
There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing – by Adam Grant
The neglected middle child of mental health can dull your motivation and focus — and it may be the dominant emotion of 2021. This article was first published in the New York Times, April 19, 2021.
Creating The World We Want To Live In: How Positive Psychology Can Build a Brighter Future
This book is about hope and a call to action to make the world the kind of place we want to live in. Our hope is to provoke conversation, and gently challenge possibly long-held views, beliefs, and ideologies about the way the world works and the people in that world.
Written by eminent researchers and experienced practitioners, the book explores the principles that underpin living well, and gives examples of how this can be achieved not just in our own lives, but across communities and the planet we share. Chapters cover the stages of life from childhood to ageing, the foundations of everyday flourishing, including health and relationships, and finally wellbeing in the wider world, addressing issues such as economics, politics and the environment. Based in the scientific evidence of what works and supported by illustrations of good practice, this book is both ambitious and aspirational.
The book is designed for a wide audience – anyone seeking to create positive change in the world, their institutions or communities.
Ted Lasso – TV Series 2020
“It’s an absolute must see, he is a walking, talking example of positive psychology and positive leadership. It’s hysterical. It’s quite funny the cultural clashes between the Americans and the English, and I just found it humorous, uplifting and also inspiring in terms of being an exemplar for everything that we try to teach in positive psychology.” – Dr Suzy Green
[Happy intro music -background]
M: Welcome to happiness for cynics and thanks for joining us as we explore all the things I wish I’d known earlier in life but didn’t.
P: This podcast is about how to live the good life. Whether we’re talking about a new study or the latest news or eastern philosophy, our show is all about discovering what makes people happy.
M: So, if you’re like me and you want more out of life, listen in and more importantly, buy in because I guarantee if you do, the science of happiness can change your life.
P: Plus, sometimes I think we’re kind of funny.
[Intro music fadeout]
Marie: Welcome back to happiness for cynics. This week we have a really exciting guest on our show. Dr Suzy Green is a Clinical and Coaching Psychologist and Founder & CEO of The Positivity Institute, a Sydney-based positively deviant organisation dedicated to the research and application of the science of optimal human functioning in organisations and schools. She is a leader in the complementary fields of Coaching Psychology and Positive Psychology having conducted a world-first study on evidence-based coaching as an Applied Positive Psychology.
Suzy has published over twenty academic chapters and peer reviewed journal articles including the Journal of Positive Psychology. She is the co-editor of “Positive Psychology Coaching in Practice”, “Positive Psychology Coaching in the Workplace” and “The Positivity Prescription”.
Suzy lectured on Applied Positive Psychology as a Senior Adjunct Lecturer in the Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Sydney for ten years and is an Honorary Vice President of the International Society for Coaching Psychology. Suzy is an Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of East London and holds Honorary Academic positions at the Centre for Wellbeing Science, University of Melbourne, the Black Dog Institute and she is an Affiliate of the Institute for Well-Being, Cambridge University.
Suzy is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Coach Hub, a leading global coaching technology platform. Suzy is an official ambassador for the Starlight Children’s Foundation, and she maintains a strong media profile appearing on television, radio and in print.
Thank you so much for joining us today. I have been a fan from afar and just before Christmas I bought your book, The Positivity Prescription, and I’ve been going through it. There was a little break in the middle, so I haven’t followed exactly six weeks, but I’ve been following along and loving it.
Suzy: Aww, fantastic. That’s good so good to hear. Thank you.
Marie: No worries. I will definitely be posting on my blog and letting people know how I’m going with it. But I am already a convert. What we’re here today to talk about, really is your journey and you and how you got involved in this fabulous field. So maybe we can start there with understanding a bit about you and your personal journey with positive psychology, and what made you interested in it as a field of study?
Suzy: Absolutely. I mean it’s been a bit of a journey, Marie.
So, I actually left school when I was 16, and no one in my family had gone to Uni, so it wasn’t really expected. And, uh, I guess I was fortunate to have someone inspire me to go back as a mature age student. Which I did, I think at about age 25/26. During that time, I had two Children, so my degree was sort of elongated. It took me, I think, eight years and two Children.
But I guess even before I started the degree in my early twenties, I started reading some self-help books. You know, I think just looking for solutions to the struggles that many young people have, particularly, I guess, in their early twenties and thinking about what life might look like for them and what their career might look like. And I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I’d been doing administration and secretarial work, and I was a damn fine secretary. [Laugh]
Marie: [Laugh]
Suzy: I wasn’t really challenged enough, so I was reading a lot of self-help books and really loved them. And I guess then, going into psychology, I became more intrigued about human behaviour, if you like. And I loved my psych studies. I knew from the very first lecture that I was going to make it right through to the end. Something went click in my first lecture.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: And it’s been the best thing that I’ve done in my life. Besides, my Children! Clearly.
Marie: [Laugh]
Suzy: Is to be on a career path, something that I absolutely love, and over the years have come to realise that this is my calling. This is exactly what I’m meant to be doing. And I’ve been laughing and reflecting on my school reports in my year 7 to 10 and every single one said, “If Susie could just stop talking…”
Marie: [Laugh]
Suzy: Now I realise that was my strength, and I’m absolutely playing to my strengths now, Marie. So, when I started my psych, it really in many ways confirmed some of the self-help stuff which, even today, there’s a lot of self-help or New Age speakers out there and publications. And there’s no, I guess, explicit connection or realisation that there is actually some science, not everything. But there is a lot of science underpinning some of the ideas that float around in the self-help section that I became, really, I guess, committed to the science.
I love the science and when you’re teaching, which I then taught at Sydney Uni for 10 years as an adjunct lecturer and you’ve got post graduate students that pay a lot of money to come along and learn and combined with someone with high levels of anxiety. So, I guess that’s another reason that brought me into it was a family history of anxiety. That combination really drove me to be pretty passionate and probably a little obsessive around the science.
So, I used to read everything, and at one point I used to know every republication in positive psychology that came out every week, and then it got to a point, we’re 22 years in or something now, but it got to a point where I just couldn’t stay across it anymore.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: And even now, I still like to be broad. I still like to… Because I’ve got curiosity and love of learning as two of my top strengths, I love to read really broadly. And then when I work on a project, like I’m doing a quite a few positive leadership projects at the moment, it gives me a chance to go back and pull out the mind of the leader and read more deeply on mindful leadership or other aspects of positive leadership.
So that’s sort of that’s my journey. And I intend to be on this for quite a while longer, and I’m a big advocate of positive ageing. So yes, so I feel very, very privileged and very blessed to be working in this field.
Marie: I’m just going to take us off course already because you mentioned positive ageing, which is not a topic that we’ve covered on the podcast yet. So maybe that’s a future topic but for our listeners who don’t know what that term means, can you just give us a quick, brief description?
Suzy: Sure. Look, there’s been quite a few different studies. One of the biggest ones is the Harvard Study of Adult Development that followed Harvard graduates right through. I think it might even still be going, and they looked at a significant number of factors that might impact both physical and mental health. And there are a lot of factors. But the one that had the biggest impact was positive relationships, the quality of our relationships. Even, it was a bigger predictor of wellbeing above and beyond, even cigarette smoking. I mean, cigarette smoking, having a negative impact on our physical longevity.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: But positive relationships had the most significant impact on our positive ageing. How well we age, both physically and psychologically. And there’s also some interesting studies. And I’m trying to think of the author… Ellen Langer, Professor Ellen Langer.
Marie: Yes.
Suzy: She did great studies, you might have heard of called counter-clockwise where they took, and I think it was men again. They took them to retreats, and they set those retreats up as if they were in the fifties or the sixties. And so, there were two groups. One group of men were asked to just reminisce and reflect on what it was like to be 50 again. The other group were given very explicit instructions to, “as much as you possibly can believe you are 50. As much as you can.”
And so, they were moved. They didn’t have porters take their bags. They basically… Some of them had come from homes where they had been cared for, and all of the caring was taken away, and they had to engage as actively as they can, as if they were 50 again. And both groups at the end of 10 days, that’s a pretty short period of time.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: [They] reported significant increases on both physical and mental health, even to the point that their fingers were longer because their arthritis had settled down. And so, their fingers straightened out. Now, it’s had some critique because it hasn’t been replicated. But to me, I like to sit at the edge of research and think, ‘Okay, it wasn’t a perfect study, okay, it wasn’t replicated, but there might be something in here and let’s see where the research takes us into the future.’
And I think that’s a really important fact because there’s also been a few studies in recent years that have actually been refuted that have said, well, this is what we thought but now this research is really questioning that. So, replication in science is really, really important. And whenever I quote a study, I always say there’s been one study or there’s only been two studies.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: Because I think we need to be mindful of that. But I’m also because I’m primarily a practitioner. I’m a big believer in having a willingness to experiment, you know? And I think perhaps that’s what you’ve been doing, Marie, with your journey. Is that right?
Marie: [Laugh], yeah. It is. And you know, you mentioned you’ve been doing this for more than 20 years now I think the beauty of where we’re up to with the positive psychology movement, I guess you could call it, is that we’re getting so much more research. And we do know the intricacies that the sweeping statements aren’t all, you know, nothing is black or white.
Suzy: Yes.
Marie: And we know that now, but we’ve worked out some shades of grey in this field.
Suzy: That’s right.
Marie: So, you know, I 100% agree with you on the science and, you know, it’s the reason we call this podcast Happiness for Cynics.
Suzy: Yes!
Marie: Because for so long I looked at this and I saw the T-shirt slogans and I just didn’t buy in, and I thought there was nothing behind it.
Suzy: Yes.
Marie: So, loving, loving that you are giving us studies refer to. So we do also like to break down barriers and stigma. And there is obviously still a lot of barriers that we do need to break down in our society and around the world. If you don’t mind me asking, would you share your first personal experience with mental ill health or experience with someone close to you?
Suzy: Yeah. Look, I think in my family… And it’s so interesting, I think the older I get, I guess, for everyone. You look back and you see things differently. I mean, even every decade I look back at events and I look at them slightly differently, so I find that in and of itself really interesting.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: But I, as I said, I started training as a psychologist in my twenties, and I had two small Children in my twenties. And my first job was at a psychiatric clinic, and the psychiatrist gave me particularly patients with high levels of anxiety. And he said, one of the best things you can teach people with anxiety is progressive muscle relaxation.
So, learning how to consciously tense and relax muscles. Because when you’re anxious, you often hold a lot of tension in your body, and that can cause physical pain, migraines, a whole range of physical effects. And so, he taught me and then I taught my clients how to do progressive muscle relaxation. And during that time, I became a much more relaxed person, [laugh].
Marie: [Laugh]
Suzy: And I hadn’t even [graduated], like I had started my psych studies, and they do talk about “intern phenomena” or something where you start diagnosing yourself.
Marie: [Laugh]
Suzy: You know what? For some bizarre, delusional reason, I did not see that I had anxiety. Now that I look back I’m like, “Oh my God, I had really high levels of anxiety”, but I think I managed it pretty well. I don’t exactly know how I did that. I probably did that via pure avoidance. I would say up until I learned the skills as a psychologist.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: Because if you avoid something, you avoid putting yourself in those anxiety producing situations. But you’re basically training your brain to believe that it is a dangerous situation, and it just confirms, or it just keeps the anxiety going. So, in fact, our way to treat anxiety is to feel the fear. And there’s many different ways of graded exposure.
They used to throw you in the deep end. That’s that saying you know. If you had a dog phobia in the fifties, they would put you in a room full of dogs and what they found was that that backfired for many people. And so, the research then confirmed that a graded approach, graded exposure is the most helpful way. But I guess what I’m saying is, then I started to look back. I didn’t really know my grandmother that, well, she passed away when I was quite young, but I started hearing stories about how she was a phenomenal pianist. She actually used to play in the silent movies –
Marie: Oh, wow.
Suzy: – back in the 1900’s or something like that. But my mom tells me this story of how she would never play in front of the family and there were five kids, and she would only ever play when the Children were out. And as I started to learn about anxiety disorders, that’s a common experience. People sometimes don’t like to write; they don’t like to eat in front of others. And then I started to think perhaps my grandmother had quite high levels of anxiety. And then my mom, God bless her, she’s 95. She’s been a nail biter her whole life.
Marie: Mmm hmm, mmm hmm.
Suzy: Very sort of, you know, she’s got to be on the move. She’s got to be doing things. She can never sit down and be slow. So, I can now clearly see the generational transmission, if you like, potentially genetic transmission.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: So, yes, I absolutely think that that was probably my first experience, but not really realising it. And now most of my career I’ve been ridden with anxiety. Most people wouldn’t know it. In fact, I just posted on Instagram on the weekend a picture of me presenting, and I’ve presented for 20 years, right?
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: Most people would not know, but up until probably the last four or five years, it seems to have gone. It really seems to have gone away. I would say that’s due to just brain maturation and the ageing process, learning that things are never generally as bad as… or the fear that we have never comes to realisation. I’m also, I’m much more equipped now and I’ve habituated. So, I’ve done so, so many of them now that I don’t really worry anymore. And I know that even if I’m not prepared, I can still talk about stuff because I’ve got so much to say.
Marie: [Laugh].
Suzy: Yes, so I think I have had that most of my life. And I’ve managed to sit with it, not comfortably I would say, it’s certainly been uncomfortable a lot of the time. But I also have increasingly over time, as I said before, connected with my mission and my legacy. So, when I really came to feel it’s not just a thought, it’s a real embodiment, if you like, that “Oh my god, this is exactly what I’m meant to be doing,” then the anxiety started to go away as well.
Marie: Yep.
Suzy: So, it’s interesting nowadays. Most people understand depression and increasingly anxiety, but for many, many years we didn’t talk. Well firstly, we started talking about depression, and now more and more people are talking about anxiety.
Marie: That’s a perfect segue into what I’d love to talk about next. So, you’re the founder and CEO of the Positivity Institute.
Suzy: Yes.
Marie: And you talk a lot about thriving and flourishing, which are relatively new terms over the past few years. But for our listeners who are new to these concepts, can you help explain the difference between, say, mental ill-health and then languishing and then thriving or flourishing?
Suzy: Yes. So as a clinical psychologist by profession, we were trained in the diagnosis of symptoms and disorders, and there’s a textbook called the DSM five, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, version five.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: Which outlines all of the various psychiatric and psychological disorders. So as psychologists, particularly since the Second World War, we’ve been able to diagnose. And really, it’s been about having a shared language so professionals can talk to each other. There has been a debate for many years, though, around this categorical versus the dimensional, because it’s not black and white people have various manifestations of, I guess, symptoms if you want to call it that.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: So, it’s not all, I just want to reiterate. It’s not always categorical. We’re often looking at a dimensional approach. But when it came to wellbeing as a clinical psychologist, I didn’t have any lectures on wellbeing. It was really all about mostly mental ill-health, those disorders and about, I guess, the negative emotions that even now we realise that negative emotions can be positive.
M: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: Say, for example, anger when used appropriately, it’s assertiveness to stand up for injustices for example. Whereas now we have a much better idea about what psychological wellbeing consists of. So again, there’s still a bit of debate. There’re a few different theoretical frameworks a few different models that are existing out there. But pretty much. Most of the researchers agree, for example, that someone that is flourishing is experiencing more positivity or positive emotions like joy and gratitude and awe and elevation than negative.
We don’t know exactly what the ratio was. There’s been some debate over that, but we generally know that most people are on a day to day or week to week or month to month basis, having more positivity than I guess fear, anger, sadness, for example. But it’s not as if someone that’s flourishing… I am flourishing right now. I would still be, you know, perhaps angry if something happened. I’d still be anxious if I was thrown out of my comfort zone, you know, and I wasn’t expecting it.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: So, there’s a fairly agreed set of ideas around what makes for a flourishing life. And if we take Marty Seligman, who’s the founder of Positive Psychology, his PERMA model. His theory and model suggests that people who have high levels of positive emotions, engagement, are in that flow state a fair amount of the time. We are using our strengths on a day-to-day basis. We have positive relationships, quality, not necessarily quantity. We have a sense of meaning and purpose, and we have levels of accomplishment that don’t detract from our wellbeing.
Marie: Yes.
Suzy: And that’s a really important point, because more often than not these days we’re seeing achievement and performance undermine wellbeing. When in fact we really want it to support wellbeing. So, that’s sort of a snapshot of wellbeing. Most of us actually are moderately mentally healthy. A couple of large studies suggest which is not bad.
Marie: [Laugh].
Suzy: Really, we want to flourish as much as possible, we might dip in and out of moderately mentally healthy or languishing. Ideally, we’re not going to spiral down to a clinical disorder. But languishing could potentially be a sub-clinical depression. So it may be that your mood is starting to drop, and if you don’t address it, then it could spiral down to depression.
But languishing and, interestingly, Adam Grant, who’s an organisational psychologist, very well known. He wrote a blog last year, which was entitled, Languishing: The Emotion that We’ve All Been Feeling or something, or the Word for 2021, that’s how we’ve been feeling. [There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing]
So languishing is really lower levels of psychological wellbeing and not mental illness, but still potentially could spiral down as I said.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: So, if we think about flourishing is high levels of mental health and wellbeing and low levels of mental illness and languishing is sort of in between. So yeah, so, ideally, we want to try and pick ourselves up as much as possible for high levels of mental health and wellbeing and low levels of mental illness and psychological distress.
Marie: You mentioned before that there are quite a few studies that say on average, our mental health is good. So, does that mean that you can be flourishing without putting any specific effort into being happy or does being happy or having good life satisfaction and thriving and flourishing does, does that take work?
Suzy: It’s really interesting, isn’t it, Marie? Because in… I wouldn’t just say positive psychology but psychology generally, the discussion has really been around the power of the environment and the power of the context. Because as a psychologist in training, we were, in my training anyway, Social psychology has always acknowledged, I guess, the power of the environment. So has, I guess, organisational psychology. But, you know, in my work as a clinician, people would come to me and they would have a variety of external challenges, circumstances, environments going on. Now, in some cases, we could change those situations.
We could leave the toxic job or the relationship or whatever. In some cases, people would say to me, I can’t leave that job, you know Suzy I need to pay my bills or whatever. So, we absolutely know that our context in our environments can prime us for wellbeing or can absolutely undermine wellbeing. So, first and foremost, I guess I just want to acknowledge that that’s a really big discussion right now. Through Covid, I was called in many occasions to equip people with resilience and mental toughness skills, and I absolutely, that’s the work that we do.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: I absolutely believe that we can, and we should be equipping people with the skills. But even with the skills, if you’re in a toxic environment, the skills aren’t… they might help you just survive if you’re lucky. But that environment and the people around you are still going to have an effect on your wellbeing.
So, we ideally want to try and create environments, workplaces, schools, families, communities that prime or promote wellbeing and at the same time equip people with the skills for when, like we experienced in the last two years, when suddenly we can’t go into the workplace and we’re stuck in a small environment with nobody around us. So, we still need to have the skills to cope with life’s challenges.
But we also need to be very mindful around our situations and ask ourselves, ‘are there any tweaks I can make?’ or ‘how much control do I have?’ If I’ve got some control, then go ahead and change your environment. Open the blinds let the sunlight in, whatever you can bring in pot plants, you know. We know pot plants prime for wellbeing. So, whatever you can do, you should do. But sometimes, as you know, Marie, we’re in situations that we’d rather not be in. But unfortunately, we don’t have 100% control over those situations.
Marie: So, I’m interested… We’re learning so much more about how to live the good life or increase life satisfaction or subjective wellbeing or happiness levels. And yet we’re still seeing a decline in mental health.
Suzy: Yeah.
Marie: Or an increase in mental ill-health and higher levels of depression, anxiety. Covid aside, we were already seeing that trend. So, I’m interested to know this is your field of study, your passion. What do we need to do to address this global issue? How can we address that mental health crisis?
Suzy: Yeah, it’s such a big one, isn’t it? And, uh, one of my colleagues in Iceland, actually the European Positive psychology conference is on in June. I’m not sure if I’m going to get there this year, but there’s going to be a big focus on using positive psychology to create positive societies.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: A wonderful book by my colleagues, including the colleague I was just referring to then in Iceland. It’s called Creating The World We Want To Live In: How Positive Psychology Can Build a Brighter Future is the name of the book, and I’ll give it a plug because it’s a brilliant book and it looks at all aspects of our lives. It looks at positive media it looks at positive society, as I said, positive schools. And it looks at how could the science of positive psychology potentially inform and create more thriving context, if you like.
I think it’s a really difficult one because there are so many variables that impact on wellbeing. We know, for example, that when people have high levels of autonomy, they are more likely to thrive at an individual level. So, if you’ve got choice, you’re more likely to thrive. And I’m aware of that that research on self-determination theory has been applied looking at countries and the degree to which they provide autonomy for their citizens.
Marie: Mmm hmm.
Suzy: And in those countries that do provide high levels of autonomy, are less controlling, people report higher levels of wellbeing. So, there are so many different variables that we could take from the science of positive psych and look at how they could influence our society. But I think on the other hand, I would like to see greater levels of education, which is starting to happen in our schools. It’s not every school where Children are learning these basic social and emotional learning skills or basic thinking skills that historically you wouldn’t learn until you went and saw the psychologist, [laugh].
Marie: Laugh.
Suzy: You know, if something went wrong, I would love to see all schools, and I do believe into the future, that will be the future. All schools will offer some knowledge, so just not learning, reading, writing and arithmetic. You’ll learn these psychological skills to not just again survive, but to really to become your full potential while you’re here on the planet as well. So, I think education has a key role to play, but there are many other things that I unfortunately haven’t got the time to unpack today. But if anyone’s interested, that book is a great read.
M: All right, we’ll put that in the show notes as well for everyone, give it a bit of a plug as well. We are running low on time, so I’m going to quickly ask you about two quick things to wrap us up. I know that you’ve mentioned positive Psychology is a calling for you, but I’m really interested, if you could do or be anything else, what would it be?
Suzy: That’s a simple one. A DJ. [Laugh]
Marie: Oh, I love it. What kind of music?
Suzy: Oh, I don’t know. You know, high pumping music or anything that is uplifting and mood boosting. And I actually had a young person ask me that question not long ago. And they said, it’s not too late, Susy, you know. And then it came across my Instagram, I think there’s a 90-year-old woman that’s like one of the top DJs globally.
Marie: [Laugh!]
Suzy: So, there’s still hope for me, Marie! [Laugh].
M: Love it. And then what is inspiring you at the moment? Are there any people, books, podcast, TV shows, apart from book you just mentioned, that we can take a look at?
Suzy: Yes. Well, I would say, and even though I watched it, I finished it last year. I did watch it twice. It’s Ted Lasso. If you haven’t seen Ted Lasso, it’s an absolute must see, he is a walking, talking example of positive psychology of positive leadership. It’s hysterical. It’s quite funny the cultural clashes between the Americans and the English, and I just found it humorous, uplifting and also inspiring in terms of, as I said, being an exemplar for everything that we try to teach in positive psychology.
Marie: I love it. I haven’t seen that one, so definitely I will be looking at that as well. Look, we didn’t get much time. We covered so many great things. But I do want to mention your book, The Positivity Prescription again, and just remind listeners that it is a great, really practical way to bring some positive psychology interventions into your life and to see what works for you. So, thank you so much for joining me and for sharing your amazing knowledge with our listeners.
Suzy: Thanks, Marie. And you’re doing a wonderful job in creating that positive ripple effect Marie.
Marie: That’s the goal, right? [Laugh].
Suzy: Exactly. [Laugh]. Thank you so much.
Marie: Thank you very much.
[Happy exit music – background]
M: Thanks for joining us today if you want to hear more, please remember to subscribe and like this podcast and remember you can find us at www.marieskelton.com, where you can also send in questions or propose a topic.
P: And if you like our little show, we would absolutely love for you to leave a comment or rating to help us out.
M: Until next time.
M & P: Choose happiness.
[Exit music fadeout]
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I would also like to say that most individuals that find themselves without the need of health insurance can be students, self-employed and those that are without a job. More than half in the uninsured are under the age of Thirty five. They do not really feel they are requiring health insurance simply because they’re young in addition to healthy. Its income is often spent on houses, food, in addition to entertainment. Lots of people that do work either full or part time are not supplied insurance by means of their work so they go without because of the rising expense of health insurance in the us. Thanks for the ideas you reveal through this site.
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Thanks for your posting. My spouse and i have generally seen that almost all people are wanting to lose weight as they wish to look slim in addition to looking attractive. Having said that, they do not usually realize that there are other benefits for losing weight in addition. Doctors assert that obese people experience a variety of disorders that can be directly attributed to their excess weight. The good news is that people who sadly are overweight and suffering from several diseases can reduce the severity of the illnesses simply by losing weight. It is possible to see a slow but noted improvement in health when even a bit of a amount of fat loss is reached.
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Another thing I’ve noticed is for many people, less-than-perfect credit is the reaction to circumstances beyond their control. As an example they may happen to be saddled by having an illness and as a consequence they have substantial bills going to collections. It can be due to a work loss or perhaps the inability to go to work. Sometimes divorce or separation can send the finances in the wrong direction. Many thanks sharing your notions on this weblog.
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These days of austerity and also relative stress and anxiety about getting debt, a lot of people balk against the idea of utilizing a credit card to make acquisition of merchandise or even pay for a trip, preferring, instead only to rely on the tried in addition to trusted procedure for making repayment – cash. However, in case you have the cash available to make the purchase completely, then, paradoxically, that is the best time just to be able to use the credit card for several factors.
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I have noticed that over the course of building a relationship with real estate homeowners, you’ll be able to come to understand that, in every single real estate financial transaction, a fee is paid. In the long run, FSBO sellers don’t “save” the commission. Rather, they try to earn the commission by simply doing a great agent’s task. In this, they devote their money plus time to carry out, as best they will, the tasks of an agent. Those tasks include uncovering the home through marketing, introducing the home to willing buyers, creating a sense of buyer urgency in order to prompt an offer, arranging home inspections, handling qualification inspections with the loan company, supervising maintenance tasks, and facilitating the closing of the deal.
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