Happiness for Cynics podcast
Join Marie and Pete as they discuss the power of nature and its great benefits. So, what are you waiting for? Get out now!
Show notes
The Montessori approach
Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. In Montessori classrooms children make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the highly trained teacher offer age-appropriate activities to guide the process.
The Steiner approach
The Steiner approach focuses on experiential learning; making, doing, creating and producing, with learning based on what is relevant and appropriate to the student’s stage of development.
[Happy intro music -background]
M: Welcome to happiness for cynics and thanks for joining us as we explore all the things I wish I’d known earlier in life but didn’t.
P: This podcast is about how to live the good life. Whether we’re talking about a new study or the latest news or eastern philosophy, our show is all about discovering what makes people happy.
M: So, if you’re like me and you want more out of life, listen in and more importantly, buy in because I guarantee if you do, the science of happiness can change your life.
P: Plus, sometimes I think we’re kind of funny.
[Intro music fadeout]
M: Hi, everybody and welcome back.
P: Unicorn.
M: Laugh. I had a great receipt the other day. I think I sent you a screenshot of it.
P: Yeah, laugh. You did.
M: I ordered stuff online, I’m normally not one of those people who orders things online from random ads. But I did this time, and the receipt was… laugh.
P: I’ve got it on my phone.
M: It was all about unicorns and sparkles, it was magical.
P: I’ll read it out. It made me want to buy stuff from them just because of their receipts. I mean, here it is:
Yay, your order went through. Somewhere a unicorn is wiping tears of happiness from its eyes, glittery ones of course.
M: It was fabulous!
P: Who wouldn’t want to buy from that place? They mention unicorns and glittery tears.
M: Yes, I don’t know how we got into this topic.
P: Laugh.
M: It make me happy, though.
P: Laugh, there you go.
M: Speaking of happy, I went to a centre for optimism event last night. That was just beautiful. I was an hour of optimism for Ukraine, and we had the Australian ambassador for Ukraine as well as many other Ukraine born Australians who spoke. And I think the one thing that it was so beautiful about the hour was that we spoke about those moments of hope that we’re seeing over the last few weeks.
P: Oh wow.
M: Rather than focusing on what the media does focus on. And, you know, there was just this sense that in the end, Ukraine is going to come out on top.
P: Yeah.
M: And there seems to be a sense that that is the way that this will go, as screwed up as it is. And it was just beautiful to flip the script on what is a horrible, horrible situation and to look at it through that different lens.
P: Mmm. Yeah. I saw a lovely excerpt on ABC Good morning, where they showed one of the violin performers, performing in a bunker in the Ukraine, and she was continuing to practise. She was continuing to get dressed up in her ballgowns –
M: Gasp!
P: – and do her recitals in this bunker, with people sitting around enjoying her performance, and she was posting them online.
M: I love it.
P: Yeah, as you said. Such moments of hope in matters where… it does feel hopeless.
M: Yeah, absolutely. Well, I think one of the most often cited books or pieces of literature when it comes to hope and meaning is Victor Frankl’s, Man’s Search for Meaning. And he writes about his experience through the Holocaust. And there are quite a few books, whether it’s [The Diary of] Anne Frank or there’s another one…
P: The Man in the Striped Pyjamas? That’s more of a novel than a book.
M: Yeah, that come from the Holocaust.
P: Yeah.
M: From people who experienced arguably the worst of humanity and the worst of life and still retained hope during that time.
P: Yes.
M: So, I think there’s there is something there that we can pull from and learn from.
P: Yes.
M: But today, what are we talking about Pete?
P: We’re talking about nature!
M: Yay! Not forest bathing.
P: Well, we can talk about forest bathing.
M: We can, laugh.
P: But we’ve talked about forest bathing at length.
M: We have.
P: Forest bathing, It’s a real thing.
M & P: Laugh!
P: But we’re talking more about the effects that nature has on our happiness on our brain cognition and on our physical health and mental wellbeing.
M: Yes, and really this has come about because in the last year or so, or since covid, there has been so much research. It’s just everywhere you look.
P: Laugh.
M: Every week people are saying what we came to expect, which was that social isolation leads to poor mental health outcomes and fine, there’s a lot of research on that, and it’s true. But there was no surprise there, right? We’ve always known that were innately social beings.
P: Yes.
M: What we maybe didn’t know so much before Covid, though, and where we’ve seen an explosion of research is in the… and we just discovered a new word called biophilia.
P: He he.
M: But the deep attraction to an affinity for nature that we have, so biophilia, is about that connection with nature and really talks to the fact that from an evolutionary point of view we have that connection with trees and birds and the birds and the bees.
P: It’s also in so many cultures. It’s so, obvious it’s in all our artistic expressions, this deep-seated obsession, inspiration from nature.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: You know, music, film, art, pottery, everything has been referencing it for so long. It’s so obvious in a way that is part of our connection to happiness.
M: And it’s biological. So, some of this research is talking about how we’re drawn to landscapes that provide a refuge and that feeling of safety. So being able to lay on the grass on a sunny day in a park in a city or go for a walk in big trees and just feel small in a large space or plant a garden, all of all of that is about finding places that are still and calm and provide that sensory safety.
P: Mmm yeah.
M: And in a way, that’s an escape from where most of us live, which is cities, so city dwellers are perhaps lacking, and the research shows this lacking that sense of calm and safety that nature provides.
P: Definitely, yeah. I was reading a report by a Spanish study that looked at 3000 schoolchildren, fourth grades across 36 primary schools in Barcelona, and they were talking about how green spaces such an important part of our cognitive development.
M: Mmm.
P: And particularly for Children. And they did a whole heap of studies where they mapped the routes that Children were taken to school and also the schools that had green space in the learning environment.
So, Children that were surrounded by screen green space we’re more focused. They were able to pay longer attention. But the real developments came in cognitive behaviour and increasing peaks by up to 12 months of advancement. So, the study took over a year. Children who were part of the Green Space Group, not the control group, had almost doubled the amount of cognitive development.
M: Yep.
P: Risk taking, self-expression, self-esteem, all these amazing things that you need at that age that just give them such a head start.
M: And give them a boost when it comes to their grades.
P: Absolutely, big correlation with that.
M: And this is where a lot of people say we don’t have time in the day to introduce more things into our kids, you know, long, long laundry list of things that they need to do in order to meet standardised testing all the rest of it.
P: Yes, yes.
M: The science shows that if you want those grades to go up, then you put them out into nature.
P: Yep.
M: And this is something that Norway again, one of the… sorry, we really do need to be better about grouping all the Nordic countries together.
P: Laugh.
M: They are different. Do things differently, but I’m pretty sure it is Sweden or Norway. They’re really good about kicking their kids out into the playground and helping them experiential learning. So, getting them out and the best way to learn something is to play and do and get into it and muck in.
P: Yeah.
M: And you learn physics and science and geology and geography and all of that stuff by getting out.
P: The Montessori and Steiner schools are very good at that.
M: Yes.
P: They’ve got a long history of using those techniques to advance.
M: Mmm, and to just feed curiosity.
P: Yeah.
M: Because kids are naturally curious. It’s school that gets you hating learning, ironically.
P & M: Laugh!
M: So, there was another study and a lot of work.
And there’s a company called Hello Happy Design in Baltimore, Maryland.
P: Oh, that’s a lovely name. Laugh, “Hello! Happy design.”
M: Absolutely. And they, along with many other councils and local governments, are proponents for green space and setting up areas that bring together trees and wildlife but also create pro-social environments as well.
P: Yes, mmm.
M: So yeah, yeah, have a picnic, ride a bike, sit down and watch some sports, all of that kind of thing.
P: Partake in sports.
M: Yes. Yeah, and really, I think that’s the future of city planning.
P: Definitely. There’s a huge call for it at the moment.
M: Yeah, and we found here in Sydney that a lot of people during covid when we were locked down and you’re only allowed out for an hour. And we found that so many people were going for walks in Sydney.
P: Oh, yes!
M: But there was not enough space for everyone to go for a walk.
P: Mmm, mmm.
M: Which, you know, is baffling to me that we don’t have enough room for our people to move around freely. We just also didn’t have enough green spaces… We’ve talked about the inequity, actually, of different areas having different access.
P: Yep, and the health implications thereof.
M: Yeah. So, I think it’s one of the big lessons that we should have learned and hopefully we’ll take forward.
P: I think a lot of landscape design and architectural design and city design is taking that on. And a lot of this research has actually informed those ideas in terms of redesigning cities as we’ve talked about before
M: Yeah, absolutely. So, you’ve done some research into this, you’ve mentioned one of them with the school.
P: Ha ha. I had some fun with this.
M: What else? What else have you got?
P: That Pets make a difference.
M: Oh yes!
P: Animals. And you actually did some research on this, which I think is hilarious.
M: Laugh!
P: People who look at birds are happier!
M: Not only people who look at birds, but the study, which was done in Europe, showed that the happiest Europeans are those who see the most bird species in their day-to-day life.
P: Mmm.
M: So, there’s a balance. You’re in central London. You see pigeons, laugh.
P: Oh, so many pigeons.
M: We see bin chickens here in [Sydney].
P: Laugh!
M: Bats. Do bat’s count? They’re not technically birds.
P: They’re not birds, they’re marsupials.
M: Yeah, but if you get a bit further out into the suburbs or out into country, you’re…
P: Yes, yes.
M: The amounts of birds that you would see significantly increases. And so does your happiness levels.
P: Twitchers have the right idea.
M: Twitter?
P: Twitchers. A Twitcher is a birdwatcher.
M: Ohhh.
P: There’s your word for the day, Marie.
M: I have two words.
P: Laugh! So not only do birds have big impact, but so many other animals do. So, Marie, give me an animal that makes you happy?
M: Cat.
P: Yeah… Give me a second animal that makes you happy?
M: I have two cats.
P: Laugh! Yeah, so not only cats but a lot of people think of dogs when they think about having animals around.
M: Hold on. Did you just want me to answer dog?
P: No, I saw where you were going with that one.
M: Laugh!
P: I really, I need to move on, laugh. But they’ve. There’s lots of research that has actually supported the use of pet’s and animals in hospitals.
M: Yes.
P: Which is a big turnaround, considering that –
M: They used to be seen as dirty and disease carrying.
P: And the whole infection problem, and that’s so been refuted. Alan Beck, who is the director of the Centre of the Human-Animal Bond at Purdue University, said that the fear of causing infection is so –
M: Overblown?
P: Not a concern anymore. He says, I don’t know of any major Children’s hospital that doesn’t now have at least some kind of animal program.
M: Mmm hmm.
P: The use of aminals [animals] for Children, especially with –
M: Aminals?
P: Aminals, animals, Laugh. Animals in hospitals in terms of promoting their mental health and calming them, reducing anxiety, trying to promote an antidote to loneliness.
M: It’s also been used a lot in old folks’ homes.
P: Yes.
M: So, with the elderly in particular with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, and it really just brings you back to the moment. It’s really hard to be thinking about other things when you’ve got a dog who’s licking your face –
P: Laugh!
M: – or that’s demanding attention and bringing you back to the present so it can have so many beneficial impact, and I think a lot of people had, you know, covid for babies.
P: Laugh, definitely. But this is, when you think of animals that make you happy, you think that the furry one’s, dogs, cats.
M: Guinea pigs!
P: Guinea pigs, they’re in here!
M: Laugh.
P: But oddly, even just something like fish. It’s interesting that you mention Alzheimer’s because this study looked at fish and Alzheimer’s sufferers and said that it gave them focus and they had things like they ate more and they were more attentive. They had to be brightly coloured fish.
M: Aah.
P: That was the study results. But the inclusion of an aquarium in the dining hall for Alzheimer’s [patients] actually improved their mental happiness or calmness, shall we say, the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s were waylaid a little bit.
M: Yeah.
P: But even the humble turtle features in this.
M: Turtle is way better than a fish.
P: Laughter!
M: Just saying.
P: Still laughing. But this was a study done by some Korean scientists, the effect of insects on psychological health and community, and they found that – they were given crickets in a cage for people to look after.
M: Crickets? Or turtles?
P: Crickets, not turtles, going on a side bar. And what they found was, it doesn’t need to be an animal that gives affection or that is playful or exuberant. Just having something to look after has these effects and increased happiness.
M: Hmm. What about a plant?
P: Greenery. Yes, greenery does make an impact as well, and that comes back to our idea of interacting with forests and nature.
M: Yeah, but we know… So, the research shows that spending time outdoors has a positive effect on our brains. I wonder it has the same effect that pets have on our brains. So, and again, there’s going out and planting a garden. And there is being in nature. And there’s rolling around in the grass and have a picnic or going for a swim. All of those things outdoors.
P: Yeah.
M: Wonderful. Great. Science is proven. You’ve just spoken about having pets all the way from your golden Labrador to crickets.
P: Laugh, yeah.
M: I wonder whether that same brain response that you’re talking about in those studies also extends right down to having a pot plant?
P: Or a bonsai?
M: Or a pet rock?
P: Yeah, well, it would be interesting. I like that, a pet rock!
M: Where does it stop?
P: We can all have pet rocks.
M & P: Laugh.
M: Where does it stop? Where does the brain go, nope.
P: Laugh.
M: No more. The ant farm?
P: Laugh.
M: Is it the pet rock?
P: It could be, laugh! Turtles?
M: Yeah, well, I think turtles sit above crickets in my mind.
P: Laugh!
M: But, if you gave an ant farm to every Alzheimer’s patient, would that be enough to get them…
P: I’d be really interested to delve deeper into that. And I think you might be right actually it’s the responsibility.
M: Yep.
P: Do you remember being given the egg in primary school?
M: All the shows… I think they do this in America in some schools where they give them a baby for a day [not a real one!], you’ve got to feed the baby and rock the baby, and soothe it and talk to it.
P: Is that like Care Bear? Oh, no. That’s a different thing.
M: It’s pretty much an abstinence training kind of thing.
P: Laugh!
M: This is what happens if you get this wrong. Yeah, and responsibility. Teaching responsibility.
M: Yeah, interesting.
P: I like it. We’ll have to delve into it a little bit more. We’ll get pet rocks I think, that’s a good idea.
M: Pet rocks for everyone!
P: Laugh!
M: Pet rocks all around.
P: So, there was another study that talks about cardiovascular reactivity and the presence of pets.
This study found that 240 married couples who had a pet, they had:
- lower heart rates,
- lower blood pressure, and
- experienced milder stress responses, and
- quicker recovery from stress than people without pets.
M: What if the pets are your husband’s stressors?
P: Laugh.
M: Good for one?
P: Laugh. I don’t believe that Francis doesn’t love your cats.
M: Laugh. He loves them.
P: He lets them cuddle him.
M: I come home and they’re cuddling, laugh.
P: Yeah, exactly. He’s a big fake.
M & P: Laugh!
M: So, look, I have six other studies.
P: Wow!
M: And we’ll put them on the website and the blog as well. But to wrap them all together, there are studies that show spending time outdoors. So, there’s also the impact of the sun that factors in on this as well.
P: Oh yeah. Yep.
M: Getting some vitamin D, and just the fresh air and getting out of that enclosed space. So, again shown to improve concentration, memory, and overall psychological wellbeing.
P: Yes.
M: If you hit a roadblock at work, nothing like just getting out and having a quick walk to reset your mind and refocus it.
P: Mmm hmm.
M: There’s also studies here that show the link between nature-based activities. So, exercise, gardening, conservation activities, things like that which help improve mood and reduce anxiety for those with mental health problems.
P: Mmm.
M: And then you more here are talking about a connection with nature actually boosting happiness. So, the direct link to happiness.
P: Yeah, yeah.
M: Which is why we’re here, right? Laugh.
P: We know it works, and I think intrinsically comes back to your original point. We know that getting out in nature works for us. We are inextricably linked to it.
M: I just don’t think until covid we truly internalised that. So, there was a bit of research before covid, sure this isn’t brand new, but the amount of studies during covid that have linked to this have been they just exploded.
P: Yeah.
M: And also, we’ve all experienced it personally. You know, the biggest test tube.
P: Laugh!
M: Let’s put everyone indoors and lock them all down.
P: And see what it does to us?
M: Yeah, send them all stir crazy without seeing people and without getting out.
P: Yep.
M: And then the question is, now that we’re all going back to our pre-covid lives. Not that, as we’ve said, there is no going back. But now that we’re readjusting to a new post-covid world, are we going to put in place the habits that mean that we get off the bus stop one stop earlier so you can walk a little bit?
P: Yes.
M: Or will you cycle or just walk to work? or run to work? instead of taking the bus?
P: Yeah. And for those who are sceptics out there, there is a study that talks about how much time you need, and it’s 120 minutes, according to Matthew White at the European Centre for Environment Health, University of Exeter again.
M: Say that 10 times fast.
P: Laugh! I haven’t had coffee, I promise.
M & P: Laugh.
P: A study of 20,000 people said it needs to be precisely 120 minutes.
M: Two hours.
P: Yep, two hours a week.
M: That’s it?
P: That’s it.
M: So that’s a 20-minute walk at lunch.
P: Yeah, five days. Easy. Get out there, people. Get a part of nature. It’s good for you.
M: Absolutely. And on that note,
P: Have a happy week.
M: And stay cynical.
[Happy exit music – background]
M: Thanks for joining us today if you want to hear more, please remember to subscribe and like this podcast and remember you can find us at www.marieskelton.com, where you can also send in questions or propose a topic.
P: And if you like our little show, we would absolutely love for you to leave a comment or rating to help us out.
M: Until next time.
M & P: Choose happiness.
[Exit music fadeout]
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