Marie and Pete discuss the 2020 Good Home Report, which shows that if you are happy with your home, you are almost certainly happy in life. In fact, our homes are more important to our overall happiness than our income or jobs.
Is it Even Possible to be Happy During COVID? (E34)
This week, Marie and Pete discuss a recent study that looks at whether positive psychology interventions work during a global pandemic. The answer might surprise you.
The Good and the Bad of Stress (E33)
This week, we discuss some studies on stress, uncovering that stress can be both good and bad, but it’s all in how you perceive it.
Bringing Altruism Into Your Life (E32)
In this week’s podcast, we discuss altruism – being kind and giving to others – and sign up to Altruistic August, joining the global kindness movement.
Whoda Thought it… Money Can Buy Happiness (E31)
This week, we discuss a study which shows that income and happiness are linked. Could it be true that money can buy happiness?!
All About the 5 Love Languages (E30)
This week, Marie and Pete discuss New York Times bestseller Gary Chapman’s “5 Love Languages” and how understanding your love language can make you happier.
Buying Into Positive Affirmations (E29)
In this week’s episode, Pete tries to convince Marie about the science behind positive affirmations and how they can change your mindset.
Happy International Day of Friendship (E28)
Celebrate International Day of Friendship with besties Marie and Pete, who deliver this week’s episode from under a blanket fort on a bed.
The Importance of Having Fun In Your Life with Dr Mike Rucker (E27)
In this week’s episode, we talk to Dr Mike Rucker about the importance of having fun in your life and how it improves your overall wellbeing.
The Danish Art of Hygge (E26)
Denmark is the happiest country in the world, so this week we look at the Danish practice of Hygge (pronounced hoo-geh) to see what all the fuss is about.