Join Marie and Pete this week as they discuss how to avoid the great attrition with research backed resilience activities for the workplace.
Happiness & Resilience Articles
‘Do what you love’ could be contributing to the great resignation
When people aspire to love their work, they may prioritize work at the expense of other important aspects of life such as family and friends.
The passion paradigm and the great resignation (E106)
Join Marie and Pete as the discuss the passion paradigm, and how it could be contributing to the great resignation.
Prioritising happiness, interview with Tal Ben-Shahar
“The happiness habit that I prioritise in my week is prioritising happiness.” Best selling author and founder of The Happiness Studies Academy, Tal Ben-Shahar
The wholebeing approach – Interview with Tal Ben-Shahar (E105)
Join Marie this week as she interviews happiness advocate Tal Ben-Shahar who shares his insights on happiness and the wholebeing approach.
How to build a positive mindset
Do you stay awake at night worrying about the future? You’re not alone. Learn how to rewire your brain and improve your mindset.
9 Ways to improve your mindset (E104)
Join Marie and Pete this week as they discuss 9 ways to improve your mindset and live a longer, happier, and more productive life.
How to remain youthful and resilient despite stress
A bit of stress can be good for your mental and physical wellbeing, but too much can lead to anxiety, depression and other health problems.
How to remain youthful and resilient despite stress (E103)
Join Marie and Pete this week as they discuss a recent scientific article on how to remain youthful and resilient despite stress.
A call to optimism for all Aussies
Learn why we all need to be optimistic leaders in this fascinating interview with Chief Optimism Officer Victor Perton.